
One more note on Kass. Looking at some of her videos, I'm not finding her that pleasant to watch. She is probably at least a genuine runner for top 7 most arrogant people to play the game. She's so arrogant, and it can be pretty painful to watch. I still think that her craziness may be worth it though (especially

Which Kelly? Kelly or Kelley?

I realize there has been some controversy on Kass. I vaguely remember her being smug (as some people noted). I am, however, quite willing to give her the vote in the hope that she will at least improve drama/expose tribe faultlines and on the assumption that if she's willing to be crazy enough to create all that

I need commentary - so that I myself can vote appropriately. I know some of you remember these players, and I value AV club memories more than my general sense of what's happening in a season (based on wiki readings).

Guide on the women, for those that care and for those that remember less than I do (I don't remember much about these women generally, so I looked them up on Wikipedia and tried to find in game interviews - so defer to someone who remembers, ideally, but if you can't find anybody, swing your votes as I cast them):

Redemption Island anyone?

But you're talking about giving up an immunity idol - really just to shake things up and to get out Tyler who is a real threat, but not necessarily a huge threat now. I would think that only in very rare circumstances should you ever think about giving your idol away. It has to almost always be a bad move.

What I liked about the drug sequence, which was most of the episode for Danny, is that it was like a binge exorcism. He had to get those demons out, he had to go a little Dionysus with his fellow Maenads (and think about sexing a few of them), to apparently maintain his existence in real life. In a lesser show (the

Pretty much what I was thinking. Upadhyaya noted this is in her review, and I agree that, reflecting on this move here, ending the episode with one big chop is a bit tiresome.

So then I guess the writers present it as a choice between true love (or at least truer love) and family love. And I guess I side with truer love? In some ways, I wish the guy she was dating was more interesting. But I suppose this echoes the complaints of the reviewer that the women in general be more interesting,

"Meg is all “you want me to do it?” when Marco doesn’t get down on one knee, and hello, Meg, would that really be that crazy? Monica Geller did it! It’s 2015! Women can propose if they want to!" Yes, women can, women should, but when we start criticizing material aesthetically based on what should or should not

Glad I'm finally finding someone here who finds Dan and Rodney more absurd than morally appalling. If these people were admired or respected in their tribe, if the camera and viewers were somehow shown to be on Dan and Rodney's side, then I might begin to find the thing weird and unnecessary. But as it is, these two

His twitter account sucks though.

He makes few to no jokes. He's just his genuine, absurd self, walking around, saying things that no one on this forum at least can even remotely sympathize with, and whining.

HE'S ABSURD. I've only read about people like this, I've never met one, and I don't think I've ever seen one on television to this degree - till now. This character is mindblowingly simple in the way that he thinks about women, in the way that he thinks about life, in the way that he interacts with people. Need I

What I meant was, and I didn't explain myself at all clearly, is that if you are going to blame someone for flying under the radar, blame Will!

No, that's the worst of Rodney, and I do believe that he is a misogynist. But I ALSO think that this guy has been quite memorable on occasion. And I think some of you are in agreement with me.

Do you believe that someone can use being deaf as an excuse?

Nice use of 'fuckmuffin.'

Dan said it, admittedly, in a rather funny way. If I remember correctly, he said it trying to hop on the Shirin bandwagon of superfanness, but in a sort of questioning and silly way that came out all wrong.