
My own probably wrong guess was for Alpha, as this is the episode where Rick returned to terms with his role as a leader, and finally integrated his roles as protector, violent animal and father figure.

When your goal is to analyze and review a show and you regularly misquote it and miss whole blocks of dialogue explaining things, as Zack has done repeatedly all season, you're probably only watching it once, and that in a half-assed manner. That's what makes it a garbage opinion, not my disagreement with it.

If you think she did it to prove a point, you did not "get" what happened there. Lizzie was mentally ill and, along with delusions "lacked boundaries" as they say when dogs don't know the difference between chewing a toy and a human's arm. She killed her sister for reasons that made perfect sense only in Lizzie's

Zack's opinion is garbage, he half-watches the show just enough to compare it against the version he'd like to see while what little passes for subtlety flies over his head. Seriously, get a new reviewer on this show next season.

I figure he lopped off the head that way to ensure Herschel would still turn into a walker, but bodiless. He had a thing about keeping his important kills around as helpless walkers, last season particularly as disembodied heads.

Played or otherwise, he's right in that this particular series is not the purely nihilistic show the reviewer keeps saying it is. It's not a complicated series, is hilariously unsubtle at times, yet it somehow seems fly right over Handlen's head every week and all he walks away with is "you're fucked".

The whole point was that it WASN'T his plan all along, he wasn't twirling his mustache scheming to seize control of this group while he was in the pit. He grudgingly used his skills to help this family, became emotionally enmeshed with the child and maybe her mother, which meant he had to go back to taking care of

It bugged me too, but I chose to believe the scene with him discarding the body was a flashback. Kill Pete->Dispose of Pete->Go talk to Pete's brother. Still took him a bit to turn but it shrinks the timeline to something believable.

They looted themselves then committed suicide. Quietly.

Updating it won't fix the fact that the reviewer barely attended the episode; it should've been impossible to miss the many references to the fact that another band of people raided the camp. And anyone who thinks that the "I don't want it!" line (about the crown of leadership) came out of nowhere hasn't had a clue

It doesn't sound like much of a "collaboration", but they sold her the
song. In the bargaining process she insisted on crediting their
stage names, and all that money was still too hard to turn down. That's not theft OR bullying dude, and it's almost embarrassing that they're now feeling such guilt & regret for a

Yeah, maybe it was just the placement. I was going to say we've had 3 years without males complaining about how hard it is to get laid in the apocalypse, but I think that former prisoner who was sweet on Carol and took it in the head probably said something to the same effect. This was just so awkwardly placed, so

I never said they were withheld, by "back burner" I mean that it's just not a driving or particularly relevant force in this series (Shane and Lori being an exception). Even where you have the love stories they're focused more on the emotional connection between people than the physical. Human sexuality is

Clumsy exposition is right. Everyone's sexuality's been pretty back-burner since the apocalypse so it really stuck out too. Of course every line Tara delivered this episode was a little awkward, not sure how much the writers and how much the actress's fault.

Yeah none of his reaction was remotely overblown. On top of everything Harper33 and Racj82 said, the guy reached for his gun over it. He just about brandished a gun at Daryl and needed to be unequivocally put in his place.

As a kid did you ever watch one of your friends get chewed out by their parents in front of you? Awkward, but necessary. The zombie apocalypse may lead to similar atrocities.

Ignore the review, ignore the video leaks, listen to it a few times and judge it on its own merits. The album's an 'A' and I don't get all the whining about an epic being overlong. Even the omission of the bonus track from digital copy is a crime.

Wikipedia also suggests it's a gap track at the beginning preceding "Reflektor". I actually hope it's there, instead of a speedbump in the middle it makes a good mood-setting intro.

Wish she hadn't taken the whole fucking episode with her though, with all those 10
second breaks from trying to get the wrench just to stare at Milton.  She was like bizarro Merle sniping our precious finale minutes.

I don't know how this episode gets a B and last week's full hour of Andrea vacillating, making stupid, inane choices one after the other and then NOT DYING gets a B+.