Panasonic Auto-Stop

Honestly, what bothers me is not the insult to Bill Nye. He can fucking take it. Instead, it's the aggressive embrace of stupidity and the visuals of the white guy (tm) trying to hand down some science to those two playing dumb. I'm ashamed for them. That was some straight up minstrelsy by Buteau and Velez.

He was? I know he worked on the film, but I always thought that the stunt climber stand-ins for Stallone were Wolfgang Gullich and Ron Kauk.

It makes sense that the filmmakers would care about her seal of approval. As I recall, Hall's widow has publicly criticized both Krakauer's choices on the mountain and his journalistic/literary choices in the subsequent article and book. Given that, at the very least, the film exists because of the Krakauer's written

Shackleton did have dogs on the Endurance. 69 of them, I believe.
In the end, the men shot and ate the dogs for food.

Well okay then. Buckle up, here's some more resources. I'm assuming that you're interested in big, cold mountain films, rather than sunny rock climbing. Unfortunately, for obvious reasons, it's historically been much easier to produce good films about sunny rock climbing than it is to make films about big, cold

If you're looking for more climbing films, here are a few suggestions. I haven't seen all of them, but they're supposed to be good:
"El Capitan: The Film" (http://www.elcapfilm.com/), a verite style 1970s film about climbing El Cap.
"Jeff Lowe's Metanoia" (http://jeffloweclimber.com/… - not yet available
"The Beckoning

Hot damn, someone who knows what they're talking about! Good comment. I climb a lot and have basically stopped bothering to get into these internet discussions. It gets tiresome to have explain again and again and again that the folks on Everest: Beyond the Limit (or whatever nonsense) are largely the equivalent of

"Minor fines"???

I deal with Federal prosecutors daily. I have a call with two of them in a few hours. Another former federal prosecutor is sitting about 75 feet from me. I just got off the phone with a fourth. Stacking charges is what federal prosecutors do. The claim that this was 'overreach' or something out of the ordinary is

Why are you ignoring the fact that they DID offer him a plea deal!

I think the concern that tja68 identifies, and which many of you ignore, is that when you use a general metric to conduct individual analysis your opponent can ignore the broader point, focus instead on the misapplication of the test, and derail the point you were trying to make. This happens all the time in other

Actually, I disagree. Rent is high in NYC, but not so high as to prevent one from being a starving artist. I am totally serious.

Glad someone else noticed. I thought I was going nuts for a second there.

This movie was recommended to 14-year-old me by a clerk at the local video store. At the time—mid-90s—I thought American action films were weak sauce compared to stuff from John Woo and the other HK directors. But man, was this one damn fine exception.

I think that this claim:

The bit with the energy drink's name is hilarious, but doesn't it seem a bit reminiscent of this Fry and Laurie sketch?

The bit with the energy drink's name is hilarious, but doesn't it seem a bit reminiscent of this Fry and Laurie sketch?

No, no no… she appears to be a real person. Or seriously dedicated sock-puppetry. If you google "Rhonda Thompson" and segal you get a bunch of hits on social media sites all with similar user photos.

No, no no… she appears to be a real person. Or seriously dedicated sock-puppetry. If you google "Rhonda Thompson" and segal you get a bunch of hits on social media sites all with similar user photos.

"And NCOs and Officers who get involved in any way with junior enlisted
should definitely be pulled out and put somewhere else.  Little good
ever comes from these relationships, and as the percentage of women in
leadership roles is increasing, I've seen cases where both men and women
are the leaders who should know