Panasonic Auto-Stop

"And NCOs and Officers who get involved in any way with junior enlisted
should definitely be pulled out and put somewhere else.  Little good
ever comes from these relationships, and as the percentage of women in
leadership roles is increasing, I've seen cases where both men and women
are the leaders who should know

A while back I spent a year doing military appellate work in DC. Basically, I worked on appeals of court-martials. Most of the docket was sex crimes. It's not a fair sample of the problem because my experience is limited to cases where the victim (a) went to the authorities, (b) the authorities believed them, (c)

A while back I spent a year doing military appellate work in DC. Basically, I worked on appeals of court-martials. Most of the docket was sex crimes. It's not a fair sample of the problem because my experience is limited to cases where the victim (a) went to the authorities, (b) the authorities believed them, (c)

@avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus I'm just giving you shit with the "tourist" crack. Based on the content of your posts, you seem to be quite the opposite.
However, I grew up in the city, and RedHook seems to be one of those areas that most folks never discover… unless they're looking for the Ikea.

Everything HipsterDBag said is exactly why tourists don't get Red Hook, and damnit, we're glad they don't.


[How the hell do I reply to Girard?]

Asterix is awesome. Different than Tintin, much more humor. I read them all when I was a kid in English, then on a study abroad I read them all in French.

The ANDES????

It's on Hulu for free (or, at least it was a few months ago). Lots of commercial breaks though.

I don't care what some press-release (oops… "well researched article") says. That new Muppet is the result of a group of marketers announcing that the Muppets were threatening and scary to white-men (who, let's be honest, have been acting pretty twitchy and oversensitive as a group for the past 3 years or so…)

Sorry guys, that movie still blows.

I remember watching "The Sandlot."

I've lived in France. It's the least religious country I've ever been to. By far.

Fuck that guy. Seriously.

The blood pressure rises the moment I leave northern new england and stays that way all the way back to my downtown desk job. But… I'm also not driving in the city, so that calms me down some. At least until some waddling tourist clogs up half the sidewalk and/or can't work the turnstile on the subway.

Wasn't this movie already made?
And wasn't it called "Josie and the Pussycats"?

@ Scott Stapp,
I've head from folks who vaguely knew him that Ralston had a rep for being a bit of a careless jackass. Skiing in sketchy avy-situations and such. They said they weren't too surprised that something finally happened to him.
That said, leaving a note and a will is hardly essential any time you walk out