
Boy, I'll go on record as thinking the Beatles are overrated, but even *I* have to concede that at least half the songs on this list are GREAT, and appear to have been chosen solely because a song starting with that letter was needed.

Dual Destinies is the best Ace Attorney since the first one, but I refuse to fight anyone over it.

Man, all this "how would YOU like to be judged based on twitter nonsense you did years ago?!?" business is stupid. I don't use twitter, but if I did, and people delved into old shit I did, they'd probably find some dumb stuff. What they WOULDN'T find is stuff like that "fat girls everywhere" tweet, which is really a

Missing from this map: "Nigerian skeleton crew" from "Everything You Can Think." Sure, "Nigerian" isn't technically a place, but it includes demonyms elsewhere. Unacceptable!

Man, I hoped this was in reference to the classic Konami game. THAT would make a sweet TV show.

"…as when Ealy jabs a needle full of blood that needs to be examined into his neck and sends it to the lab to do so."

Dude, I'm as postmodern as the next fellow, but those words DO have fixed meanings. There is absolutely NO possibility that, oh, maybe they actually mean the OPPOSITE of what every dictionary ever as well as all common use will tell you. And seriously, who GIVES a shit about "somebody's impression?" Call me when it

No one asked you to be an apologist for extreme misogyny either. And yet, here you are.

Yes! That's EXACTLY what these willfully clueless, critical-thought-averse douchebags sound like! Thanks for the example.

Just wanna chime in to note that it's just beyond fucking disturbing how many people are saying things to the effect of "sure, the show's treatment of Meg is incredibly misogynistic, but hey, it's been like that for a long time, so stop complaining and just accept it." You shitheads are why we can't have nice things.

Well…ways that the English language disputes, really.


Boy, if all shows got this kind of benefit of the doubt…man, I don't even know.

JESUS CHRIST, that business with Javadi turning into a psychotic killer to show how EEEEVIL he is was fucking moronic. This show's really topped itself. I could more or less tolerate the "teen lovers on the run" business from the previous weeks by half tuning it out, but this was so utterly asinine it actually made

It's bizarre how people fall over themselves to try to rationalize this nonsense.

For a while, Laid was my favorite album EVER, though as it happens, the title track was not among my favorites. It was fun as far as it goes, but it just feels wildly out-of-synch with the album's overall tone.

Rar rar rar I'm fierce!

Just catching up on this now. I sure hope they continue the riveting "teenagers sexting" plotline, 'cause that shit is TOTALLY the reason I'm watching this show!

Seriously, does it fulfill some kind of twisted psychological need?  I'm fascinated, in a sick way, by what makes people into monsters like you are.

I really do wonder sometimes what these hardcore racists GET out of posting these huge, seething manifestos.  They're not going to convince anyone of anything other than that they're huge racists (which really wasn't in doubt), so…