
"Trumpcare won't literally murder everyone!" An inarguably true point. Maybe they should adopt it as their slogan.

You mean aside from the part where they don't admit that he's stupid and misogynistic? And the part where he actually IS stupid and misogynistic? So…nope. Not a meaningful comparison.

The article makes the store owners sound hyper-sensitive, yes. Why does that make lazy, half-assed jokes "totally deserved?"

I mean…granted, all this shit is ripe for parody, but when the FIRST comment is this incredibly hackneyed "dur hur hur, look at all the hilarious cultural sensitivity jokes," and the responding comments are overwhelmingly "dur hur hur that IS hilarious let's make some more"—well, you gotta wonder. I mean, it would

Oh, I wouldn't say "unfortunately." A little levity is good for all of us!

FACT: right-wingers like to call him a "lame duck" because it gives them an excuse to say he's "lame" in a vaguely legit, objective-sounding way. This is because they are all mentally junior-high-schoolers.

Is this a real comment? It's pretty hilarious.

JEEZ, now we're not allowed to like art by people with objectionable views? Even dead ones? Why didn't I get the memo?


How do you read coffee? Reading coffee grounds to predict the future, you mean? Do happy people do that? WHATEVER, man. I'll freely admit that this was never a great joke, but the fact remains that that's an awkward title.

…can I just say that all the whiny OMG THIS DIDN'T AIR YET HOW DARE YOU FORCE ME TO READ SPOILERS?!?!?!?/1/1 idiocy may seriously be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen?

Man, I didn't even know that hating Cracked was something the cool kidz were meant to be doing nowadays. Darnit!

This is the most hilarious thing I've read lately.

When this person can sell 350 million books, maybe then I'll consider their opinion.

Maybe I'm just getting old, but this kind of obsessive, narcissistic pop-culture shoegazing is kind of starting to make my brain itch.

OMG two different versions?!? How will I collect all the pokemon?!?

Your opinion that people should shut the hell up and not complain just 'cause an important guy in their company thinks they're less than fully human is duly noted, and your moaning about PC POLICE will be given all the due consideration it deserves.

So how exactly do you think the law should be modified to prevent public figures from resigning under public pressure? 'Cause if you don't have an answer to that question, you're just blowing smoke.

Brendon Eich wasn't fired; he resigned. Yes, he resigned under public pressure, but here's the question that people who get all huffy and puffy about his resignation never seem willing to answer: should people not have been permitted to get upset at him? Or, alternatively, should he not have been permitted to react

I think this point is one hundred percent right, and I would add: when I'm playing a game, the soundtrack is not the primary thing I'm concentrating on, so if it wants to get into my head, it needs to be immediately catchy/memorable. An ambient/symphonic score to a game may be sophisticated and accomplished (or not—I