
Trayvon's hideous girlfriend

But based on the evidence provided and the story we know, TM was just as responsible for his own death as GZ and that is why he was acquitted.

The fact that non-psychopaths don't find killing "heartwarming?"

Why would you even bother going onto social media just to talk to people who agree with you?

…so basically, "like Family Guy?"





Yeah imagine enjoying a show that is still good.

Just so you know that you are Part Of The Problem.

Something something tableau.

Well, Jesse's future remains uncertain.  Can't the ambiguity-vores feast on that for a while?

Seems doubtful.

…so I guess television's over now.  Right?  I mean, it seems like there's no real point in continuing at this point.

Eggplant parmigiana is not vegan…kind of by definition, actually.  It's also mad delicious when done right.

Really, you got "busted?"  Now I'm curious.  Threatening email?  Federal agents knocking on your door?  Details, please!

Talk about damning with faint praise!

I don't know what to say to that.  I mean, okay, if that's how you feel, but in that case, it's just the usual boring-ass Dexter Is An Awesome Superhero business—which is, indeed, what we got, but I was really hoping for something more.

I can't tell whether your article is really deadpan sarcasm or whether you're actually, heaven forfend, serious.