
Meh.  In the beginning when you see Trinity and how he seems to have a great family life and all this stuff, I thought, huh, that's actually really interesting: making him into an actual, honest-to-god sympathetic character (you know, aside from the odd murder) is really going to create an interesting situation here,

The episode of the Dead Authors podcast featuring John Hodgman as Ayn Rand was comedy gold.  That is all.

It also has a script credited to Peter Sagal, though I suspect he didn't intend it to be a Dirty Dancing movie.

Look, dude: some people, like yourself, have terrible taste.  And that's okay.  We all have our roles to play.  But the trick is to just gracefully accept it.  When you start railing at other people for not sharing your terrible taste, it's just unseemly-looking.

Alas, your enjoyment would only be irritating to others if you were constantly waxing rhapsodic about what an amazing show it was.  If you're admitting it's bad, no one will be annoyed.

Yeah.  As we know, TEH TRUTH is always somewhere in the middle.  Are you the ghost of David Broder, or what?

Milquetoast….really? It's better to write using vocabulary you might actually utter in real life.


Big Boys, I Want You, Shabby Doll, Little Palaces, Watching the Detectives, This Year's Girl, Shot with His Own Gun, Oliver's Army, Accidents Will Happen, From a Whisper to a Scream, Long Honeymoon, Senior Service, Town Cryer, Battered Old Bird.  Was that more than ten?  Look at me not caring!

So is that a yes?  I'm really concerned about this.

What if you post unprovoked, douchey responses for no reason?  Gotta cover all the bases here.

Chimpanzees are apes, not monkeys./pedantry.

Hate to break it to you, but that is an opinion that only a stupid person would have.


I have no opinion about screamo and refuse to even read the article to find out what it is, but dude, what's this "…that aren't totally embarrassing" business?  I would assert that if you're worrying whether or not what you like is "embarrassing," you're not doing "geeky" right.  You can't be self-conscious about your

I reread Inherent Vice a few months ago, and my initial impression was confirmed: it's a fun lark, but it's definitely his weakest, least substantial novel.  Also, it becomes more apparent than ever that his gender politics are…a little questionable—though I would hasten to note that he's still my favorite novelist

No one's "coining" anything.  "X apologist" is a standard, common construction.

Yeah, but they're *wrong* ways, and even if there are non-standard pronunciations that no one ever uses, people are going to *think* you're just wrong if you use them.

It's like "banal sex:" you WANT it to be a joke, but goddamnit, the words just DON'T RHYME, and sayin' a thing don't make it so.

I am NOT bloody well sifting through fifteen pages to see if anyone's remarked on the music, but I was watching and thinking, shit, is that really Jim White? and then it WAS, and it was awesome.  That is all.