
the show is misanthropic? sexist? lol who cares?
Er…not doin' the pro-BB faction (of which I count myself a part) any favors there, dude.

…or DO they???

Er…you said you were "stopping the article at paragraph two."

My naiveté surprises even me sometimes.  I mean, I know it's because people basically think of "gypsies" as cartoon characters like Stromboli in Disney's Pinocchio, but STILL—if you wouldn't say stuff like this about blacks or Jews or Muslims or gays (and I'm sure that almost no one here would), it seems like you'd be

It's both bizarre and disturbing that the instant, widespread response to this thread was anti-Roma racism.  Seriously, people, what the fuck?

I know I've said this before, but you are so, so wrong about "Hot Summer Night," which is hilarious and awesome.

Not EVERYTHING everything, but he IS awesome, and people who shout about how much they hate him are self-conscious that they won't seem sufficiently "cool."  There, I said it.

Yeah, it features a few sort of okay songs.  That's why it's better than Rabbits and ID.  But it sure ain't very good.

Balls isn't great, but it DOES feature the totally delightful "More than a Sex Machine," which features one of my favorite couplets ever; ie, "You never sought my sensitive side/All that you said was 'ride baby ride,'" which has the twin virtues of scanning perfectly and being incredibly dirty.

If you someone Steven Wright?

Just saying that something sucks isn't "slaughtering a sacred cow."  Anyone can do that.  You have to provide actual, considered evidence.  Otherwise, you're just the equivalent of a five-year-old who's just learned to say "shit."

I saw them in Philadelphia back in April.  I'm a huge Sparks fan, and in a way it was a thrill just to see them, finally, but in another way it was decidedly underwhelming: it was a short show, and the setlist was virtually identical to Two Hands One Mouth.  Gotta put some more effort into it, guys!


"Is considered?"  Well, if it IS CONSIDERED, who could possibly disagree?

YES YES YES to all that.  And as long as we're complaining, here's another thing that irked me: in the book, Veidt is, if anything, kind of vaguely omnisexual.  Whereas in the movie, we see him dancing in a gay club, and when Dan hacks into his computer, we see a folder entitled "boys"—which, given the way Visionary

Okay.  Alan Moore's Watchmen is about how fucked up in the head you'd have to be to put on a goofy costume to fight crime.  Zack Snyder's Watchmen is about how ultraviolence is FUCKING AWESOME DOODS.  Anything beyond that, he neither understands nor cares about.

(Right, instead of making a new post, I idiotically deleted this one, which stated, in short, that Snyder had no damn clue what Watchmen was about and therefore completely butchered it.)

I read his book about the Doors, Light My Fire, back in the day.  He certainly came across as enthusiastic, his hippie philosophizing could actually be kind of endearing, and I could roll with the Morrison mythologizing, silly as it could be.  On the other hand, he obviously reeeeeaally hated John Densmore, which

Well, obviously, they can do what they want, and if I were a musician languishing in obscurity who suddenly had the chance to make some real money and name recognition by licensing my music, I'm not at all convinced I'd refuse.  It seems undeniable, though, that, if you decide that your song can be used to sell cars

"The rich and powerful are not losers."
Wow—the American mindset in one concise sentence.  This is why we can't have nice things.