
The first album I heard by the Handsome Family was Through the Trees, which remains a sentimental favorite for that reason.  "The Giant of Illinois" sends chills down my spine every time.  I've been listening to this new one lately, though, and it's pretty awesome too.  What a great band.

Just trying to do you a favor by giving you a suggestion for a less confusingly irrelevant insult, man.  But hey, if that makes you uncomfortable, by all means, stick with what you know.

O how I laughed when Ted gave up his seat, making Pete look like a huge asshole.  I mean, not that he really needed the help, but…

Ooh!  Ooh!  I know!  Why not call me "politically correct?"  That's always a good last resort!

Ooh!  Ooh!  I know!  Why not call me "politically correct?"  That's always a good last resort!

"Yo…ugh… yo…it's hard bein black in america, rather be back in my homeland of africa fightin aids, famine, genocide and lions. white people are mean."
-Famous Hip Hopper"
-Racist Douchebag

"Yo…ugh… yo…it's hard bein black in america, rather be back in my homeland of africa fightin aids, famine, genocide and lions. white people are mean."
-Famous Hip Hopper"
-Racist Douchebag

As much as I hate to ruin the fun, assuming these are actual dyslexics and not people just fucking around, they would presumably—given that "center" has a soft-C sound—call it the much-less-amusing "sock renter."


I just saw this, and all I have to say is, I will be EXTREMELY disappointed if Tom's new mystery competitor is not Bobby Newport.  That is all.

I ate that shit up when I was in high school.  Loved it.  I had a whole bunch of hardback volumes.  I tried to revisit it recently, and it did…not hold up, to put it mildly.  Amazing how perceptions can change, but these days a little candy-coated sparkliness goes a LONG way, and its racial and gender politics are,

The Moor's Last Sigh is basically a weak retread of Midnight's Children.  More or less readable, but not especially good either.

Bizarrely enough, I know them only from a bad AVclub review of their second album.  And I only remember THAT because it included a video of their would-be next hit single, which was called "Natural Disaster" and featured the deathless couplet "she's so sexy I have to have her/she's a natural disaster."  So…yup.  I

Get rid of the Seaward.

XKCD would be a LOT better if Munroe didn't feel compelled to stick to his thrice-weekly schedule.  Dude undeniably has talent, but he dilutes it by flooding the zone with all these lazy/mediocre comics.  Just post when you have something genuinely cool to say, man!  Though I suppose that might not be viable if he's

Does anybody remember laughter?

I remember thinking about things I vaguely remembered.

Not gonna lie: that's a weird thing to talk to your dad about.

My main memory of that song involves listening to if of a snow morning while waiting to see if the radio station would announce a school delay/closing.  That's a good memory, and as such I still feel affection for the song.

Mmm.  Could be worse.  They could be self-consciously jaded ironists who have this inchoate idea that caring too much about stuff is just so déclassé.  Shudder.