
I ultimately knew what he meant, but my first thought on reading the comment was wait…what?  There WAS momentary confusion.  Perhaps someday in the future, people will misuse the word to such an extent that the misuse will become the regular use.  But that day has not yet arrived.  That definition says it's "informal"

Nonplussed means the opposite of what you're using it to mean.

If we made a habit of dismissing writers based on their epigones, we would have no writing at all ever.

Objection: all four of Barthelme's novels are great.  The King in particular is one of the most fucking delightful things ever.

Ebay search: "The Turner Diaries."  Copies found available for easy purchase: Forty-Three.  Okay then!

All I want to know is: are we finally going to see Sal again?

All I want to know is: are we finally going to see Sal again?

Except it's not really true, is it?  Who's excessively mean in the comic?  Lucy.  Violet and non-Peppermint Patty.  I guess Schroeder's kinda misanthropic, though "jerkwad" seems to be overstating it.  And that seems to be about it, as far as major characters go.

'Ceptin' that there's no "my" in that strip.

Well, there's literary fiction and then there's literary fiction.  When you look at the many different editions of his books, as well as the many different languages they've been published in, it seems like he's gotta be in the top echelon, saleswise.  Also note that Lot 49 is very commonly assigned in college

Well, I apologize for making a snide comment, but really, don't you think you're overstating things a little?  The only Pynchon novels that I would call genuinely difficult are Gravity's Rainbow and Mason & Dixon.  You're really gonna sit here and tell me it took you months to read Vineland or Inherent Vice?  Against

Looks like you'll have to speed up and read one book every two and a half months instead of one every three months.  Brutal.

No emoticon in the world is capable of expressing my emotions right now.

An' I totally remember that amusement park one, and indeed that exact bullshit death.  One of the more blatant wish-fulfill-y ones, I think, not withstanding death by electrocution.

Were you always this solipsistic, or what?  You sound like an Ayn Rand fan.

Were you always this solipsistic, or what?  You sound like an Ayn Rand fan.

Anyone ever read Level 7 by Mordecai Roshwald?  I started trying to describe it here, but I found the process too distressing, so you can look it up if you want to.

Anyone ever read Level 7 by Mordecai Roshwald?  I started trying to describe it here, but I found the process too distressing, so you can look it up if you want to.

I had those books.  I don't remember finding them especially alarming, however.

I had those books.  I don't remember finding them especially alarming, however.