
I got a "sexless" notification for this?

Bob Slydell: For my money, I don’t know if it gets any better than when she sings "When a Man Loves a Woman."

Things sometimes stayed on the new release shelves for a long time, if I remember right

I've found the AV Club writers to be surprisingly anti-Dylan over the years, and consistently misled in regards to the verifiable facts and history of the music.

His assistant didn't have a magnet in the shirt sleeve — isn't that how it worked?

Basically what I came here to write.

Yeah, it was exactly wrong. I maybe think the guitar was in an open tuning, which made the D string off by one whole step in the riff?

He started looking for "alternative" job opportunities because he needed to support the girls. And then when things heated up with the Salamancas, he robbed that truck. He didn't really have money to launder before that (which was after he worked with Pryce).

If Dylan ever said this, it's only 'cause he's covering Anthony Kiedis.

Agreed — he's actually one of the more articulate singers out there. It's wild that the "mumble" thing has such legs.

Okay, but it was a private group, conceivably composed of students who understand that racist dead baby jokes cross the line. THAT's the JOKE. Shock humor is shocking because it crosses the line. It's satirical, and context is everything.

Doesn't Harvard have a long history of fostering subversive humorists? the Lampoon, Simpsons, etc.? Surely some of these memes crossed the line, but there was context there. This hurts.

Breaking: they've also retroactively revoked Tom Lehrer's degrees over "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" and "Lobachevsky."

He will *what* in a hand basket, exactly??

So what happened to the "new" Beck album? Was supposed to come out in 2015, and then at the end of 2016, and then nothing.

She offered her hand in marriage, and they got married soon after. Still married today. Five kids. Two in college!

Huh. I've eaten garbanzo beans, but I don't think I've ever had a chickpea in my face.

He's not Catholic.

Labeling Notre Dame as "pretty conservative" isn't wholly accurate or meaningful. Any place with that strong of a Catholic identity is going to have a firm pro-life contingent, and that's basically the issue that those protesters were focusing on with Obama.

Pretty much my experience too. I graduated in 2006, but I wonder if I woulda been part of the walkout this year. I like to hope I would have been.