
Can't argue with that logic

Doesn't conception happen hours and hours after sex? Or does the mystical magic happen here regardless?

False. Pepsi was definitely the main factor in the decision, but they modeled the formula after the taste of Diet Coke. https://www.youtube.com/wat…

His career-military brother has an overrated band.

It's complicated to explain, but it basically boils down to two things:

My favorites have always been Ginger Snake and Sporty Snake

Lene Nystrøm is sexy. That's all.

For your health!

DK94 is one of my favorite games. Was just playing it last weekend on my Super Game Boy conversion cartridge. That is all.

Apparently not.

Has anyone held the notion that Brian Henson performed Kermit, or did for a time after Jim Henson's death before Steve took over? Apparently it's a common misconception that isn't the least bit true.

Elmo is Baby Sinclair

Maybe we shouldn't trust his opinion on the matter, consider he dunks them in water and inhales them like a slimy meat sock.

Anything on a bun or between bread is a sandwich. I found out as a youngster, when traveling through Europe, that people often eat sausages on a plate with veggies (and maybe bread on the side, if at all). The idea of a "sausage sandwich" is more American, and a hot dog is primo example of that concept.

The video was posted in December 2015. Why share it now, AVClub?

I always stick around during Pixar movie credits because my eyes are red from crying and I'm ashamed.

The answer is yes.

That's great, but when does On Cinema come back?

A hen is an adult female chicken, chicken is the general term for the bird (can be male or female). Hen refers to the sex of the bird. Male chickens are known as roosters (in the U.S., Canada and Australia), cocks, or cockerels. Castrated roosters are called capons.

It's actually "Personal Helmsman to Mr. VelJohnson."