
When I graduated there in 2006, we got Dave Brubeck, Harper Lee, and the then-president of Ireland. It was delightful.

Well, generally they invite the new President to speak (the last 8 administrations came, I believe); I believe they did NOT ask Trump, because they knew that'd be going too far. Pence was a bit of a compromise there. Plus, you have to remember that Notre Dame is Catholic, so the political identity of the university

I am a Notre Dame alum, but I don't generally show nearly as much ND pride as your average Domer (It just seems so… kinda… creepy sometimes, and bringing it up all the time in conversation seems tacky and boastful to me). But today I am very proud to be Fighting Irish.

See also: Fenslerfilms GI Joe shorts

As long as I have a carefully curated archive of MP3s, the format will not be obsolete to me.

I don't have an issue with that.

Lavell Crawford as Huell looks like he's lost some weight. Good for him! But now he looks even more like Grimace.

What percentage is made-up statistics?

That would be amazing. Can anyone weigh in to deny this theory?

Are you British? We call them "seasons" in 'merica.

Bring back Mark Proksch as Pryce, and I'll give it five bags.

It's a combination of fried chicken, American/southern food, Mexican food, and breakfast. It should be everywhere. It's unrealistic that he wouldn't have made a billion instead of a million.


I would say that in Breaking Bad, the cinematic establishing shots always served the fast-moving plot. In Saul, the cinematics are on an equal level of importance as the plot, which is slower-moving and more mood-driven.

She just GETS me, man. Hard.

I disagree that Odelay sounds anything like Loser or Mellow Gold. To me, there is a clear dividing line between "early Beck" and Odelay-to-present. It's almost an entirely different artist, in my opinion.

I'm from ND, and much of my family is from Minnesota. Some members of my family talk with the accent, some don't. You're right that everyone sounds different, but McGregor sounds Scottish about every fifth word. That's not an accent that anyone would naturally use.

Ewan's accent is the worst thing I've ever heard. It's not even close to accurate.

The waitress from the diner.

A "Tweeter and the Monkey Man" reference? Points.