
Sounds like a validation of Dethklok's influence on the world economy in Metalocalypse.

I think he was also getting revenge for Catelyn Starks open neck wound. His unhealthy obsession with her probably has something to do with killing a Lannister king, stealing away a Stark daughter, and marrying a Tully sister.

I'm looking forward to playing this game soon. The concept of how they used the South Park universe got me thinking about another cartoon that could be well suited for similar treatment: The Venture Brothers. Who wouldn't want to make your own hero or villain and interact with that massive crazy world?

As someone who grew up in Madison, I have to agree about North Alabama having some nice qualities.

Included in the "and the like" portion of that sentence. I don't interact in real life with most of the people that would brag about these things, so I tend to see it second or third hand through social media.

I fully agree that audiences need to understand that it's not about them. At some point inserting oneself or ones opinions into part of the show or being a "special" audience member became a regular occurrence.

I had a nice mug of chili in the show's honor on Sunday. Tasted like courage.

What's a better excuse for leaving work early on a Thursday to drive into Boston other than actually going on a 12 pub crawl?

I checked out both the East Coast broadcast reviewed in the show and the West Coast version. The West Coast version featured Adam Carolla instead of BJ Novak as the social media monitor with new skits. Some of the jokes were slightly different and the classic clips were all different. The regular Soup clips for the

According to the website, all of the pictures and video seem to be of the Mark I. They seem to be teasing the Mark X as The Big Deal for the movie. Maybe we will get our giant robot mouths.

Major Tom's body was found by Rusty years later in season one. I'm thinking that Vendata is a "Robocop" (human face, only eats special sludge, etc.) style person created by Jonas Venture from the Monarch's dad after a horrible accident.

This BBS is amazing!

I liked most of Prometheus except for the human characters. None of the characters seem to experience an appropriate amount of awe at the prospect of finding the remnants of a sentient alien race let alone first contact. We are given no indication that the incident in the movie is not first contact, and it should have

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I liked the episode quite a bit. I think the energy sustained at least a base level of enjoyment throughout the entire affair.

No Mrs. Doubtfire?

I'm assuming they are introducing Centurion Buford T. Augustus for the final season. I haven't been looking at any casting news, but I'm just sure they wouldn't forget such a pivotal character.

I'm assuming they are introducing Centurion Buford T. Augustus for the final season. I haven't been looking at any casting news, but I'm just sure they wouldn't forget such a pivotal character.