
you, sir, are a dirty dirty pickle….

exactly Death N Texas- every interview i've ever watched with Jay is just a struggle- it looks like he is begging the guest to do or say something to bail him out. whereas Letterman seems to keep everyone on their toes…i love how sometimes he just won't back off from a topic. he's done some bullshit in the past i'm

sorry, "He's up"- gotta capitalize those pronouns….

"…and the Lord is making a solid approach…and he's up…and, His Holy Majesty has Cleared the Bar!! Hallelujah!! Savior of the Souls of the World, but who knew He was such an athelete, Ted?"

Radio S- canadian is fine- just no Chinese coins- They have holes in them!!

i mean it said "Butt Cake" instead of "Bunt Cake"!!

Hey, Radio Shaq! that's where i'll be performing! come on down! and bring some quarters to throw at me!!

that IS NOT the button i fucking hit keyboard. i should stop typing with my genitals…huh? dick joke? anybody?

welcome, twigb-
and may i be the first to tell you to shove that first up your ass.

my mom is IN the other room!! IN!!! damn it- this is just too early in the day for me to fail this bad.

HA! oh, Hunsweasel, somebody's picture just made my day.

*exasperated sigh*

ha- awesome- Hairy Teri Garr Scar- you get a pass- not only for being a poor schmuck trying to figure shit out (me, too) but also for the screen saver. you're planting seeds. not your fault if they bear fruit or not.

You pull any of your crazy shit with me, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I'll take it away from you, stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger 'til it goes "click."

HA! WorthyFuckingAdversary- you, my friend, are a dog with some papers. some fucking papers.

has anybody read the book? seems kinda interesting, but i'm not sold on it. seems way more out there than the movie.

and you are an adorable tiny little dog. i can't be mad at any claims you might make…

*Owen Wilson attempts suicide by running into the gun fire of Authorities, is instead hit in the face with Script copy of "Marley and Me 2: Pet Cemetery of Love".*

"…guilt and self-loathing experienced by most parents taking these drastic steps to save their child and their child's orifices from the insidious influence of the Mongolian Barking Spider or "Attila the Fun" as it is sometimes referred to by users.
Make no mistake- our children are in danger. When we return, we'll