
thanks, Sugartits…

except for a visit to the nursing home…

i know this is predictable but…
this is why the terrorists hate us.

i used to wonder that, too, kerouac9- when i was 11 years old…in my bed…alone…confused at the funny feelings i was having.

love it, love it, Luuuv It!!!
Vampire's Kiss is one of my top favorite movies ever and i love whenever Nic gets with a script where he can just turn up the crazy. i could watch him chew, eat, and shit the scenery of a movie like this any fucking day. Awesome- I'm pumped!!

local high school kid: "Flatulence is just how, you know, me and my buddies say what's up."

sorry, this is kind of an obvious comment….but holy fuck. this is just beyond ridiculous, isn't it? i see this shit and it kind of feels like getting hit square in the brain stem with a brick…i mean, this is crazy, right? this is fucking unbelievable. really, somebody hit the button please. Nuclear Holocaust-

i'm gonna have to side with my fellow canine-handled compatriot here- R.dog isn't commenting on the movie so much, OtP, as he/she is commenting on Mr. Samberg himself. we're allowed to do that, right? we…um…we can bring up other things, right?
anybody else like Peter Gabriel?

word to Barista- we must rise up and defend tiny deranged ms. bamford from the foul el dan- if you watched any of her show on Super Deluxe you would know that she definitely does not suck- she does some great characters and writes some great straight-forward honest jokes about her actual depression.

Q:Why is Dennis Leary more popular than Bill Hicks?
A: Cause There's No Cure For Cancer.

Monsieur Tilley le Bum- no misogyny intended whatsoever. i know there's some harsh language up there, but that's just cause she comes off as so young and cocky (sorry) in the Nabin interview. Man or Woman or Transgender, I hate feeding egos like that.

feh-blah-fart in a bucket…
…and then throw that bucket at a movie screen. I've never heard of this girl up to now, and I gotta say- she seems like every other dumb 21 yr. 0ld that thinks she knows fucking (ha) everything.

huzzah to yankee bayonet!- for the comment and the handle. i laughed, and then had flashbacks to my death on Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN. Curse you, invadin' Yankee Bastards!!

well i know one thing…

Ladies and Gentlemen, My Fellow Colleagues of AV Comments. I submit to you the following name and movie as the Ultimate in bad southern accents:

I'm from knoxville- and they didn't understand you…they were just being polite. that's what we do down yonder- manners….and racism.

thanks, Prep. Heche- i can't handle hecklers yet. you sir, are a scholar and a gentleman. i salute you and choice of personal picture.

Saw him in San Fran…
back in January with Patton- holy shit- such a great show. two guys who can make people laugh so much that it is actually uncomfortable and hard to breathe. Laughing until the Pain!!

Do not go gently into that you someone eat it,
Old age should rave and burn at close of day;
You, you someone eat it against the dying of the light.

holy dog shit- eckhart was in core?! that's the one where the earth's magma is pissed off or something, right?
hooo, boy….somebody's got a date with blockbuster tonight…