
a rare moment of internet honesty…
this is a fucking beautiful thing on the AvClub. thank you, Leonard, for finding awesome bands and thanks to all the metal fan commentators. this is how i found out about 'buried inside' and 'tombs'. two of my absolute favorites as of late. thanks for the metal you put in my heart…

slamming on Christmas Vacation?
not cool, Amelie- not cool. okay, maybe i was just a stupid kid when i fell in love with that movie…but damnit, it's good. isn't it?

are those Drunken Tiger lyrics?

e tu, racist? fine.
…and it's more like the salve is your mom and the twat is my dick…or something….oh fuck it- i got no clever in stock today.

i love you guys. if you were all black, i would photoshop at least 2 of you into the poster for "Old Dogs"…right behind John Travolta's hairpiece…where the key to my heart is.

oh and here, here sean and tibber… the mention of The Road actually made me feel a bit better. kitten carrying a basket of sunshine…hope….mmm.

okay, Anti, i agree with the Jew Overlords thing…everybody knows that.

well, this is why i love this place- some great comments and thoughts. i don't mean to be a complete piss on the parade kind of dude here- i just didn't get it. though, the raaaaaandy stuff was pretty funny- and RZA? i'll give anything a shot for that guy.

Any votes…
for not giving two square dancing fucks about this? just seems really forced and the ad campaign is killing me. reminds me of "The Bucket List" smiley faces of Jack and Morgan that said to me, "hey, we're fucking rich and have nothing to worry about! isn't that great?" equally, the funny people posters look

Black Guy PhotoShop Project…
i really hope this becomes the newest internet sensation…

human bean juice.

i'm the baby, gotta love me-

if he's drunk, that is gonna be one hell of a puke session…

Bull. Shit.
T-Rex would not wear a fucking Taking Back Sunday shirt… he's the King of the fucking Dinosaurs…He does NOT shop at Hot Topic.

And what rough first, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

alright, gang, who's goin' with me right now to the tattoo shop?
cursive name tat's and lip rings!! then we'll blow our brains out in a hot topic. best. monday. ever.

blargity- tried it- failed completely. holy shit that is terrible. just terrible.

What About Their Soft-Baby Heads?!

these marketing guys must think that they are just fucking geniuses.

"Melting Holes"
i would go for one of those just about any time of the day….