
My wife thinks the show is horrible and I might have to start hiding it on afternoons when she gets home from work.  Along with Louie and a bunch of other great shows she doesn't watch.  :bang:

Yup.  Correct it, TVDW.

Where is Nabin to review this record?  Was he unable to work hagiography of Kanye West into the review, so he passed it on to someone else? 

Again, it depends on the boys. Big, masculine men like Ade or Brandon actually make the Paso Double compelling, especially when paired with strong women. The season finale Paso Double with Brandon and Jeanine was a standout for the entire series.

I actually liked the disco. I don't know why, but I"m surprised this season is already almost over and it doesn't seem like there's been that much dancing. I know that Ms. Applegate said that this was the best season ever (Season 4 was the best ever), but this one does seem to be lacking in show-stoppers.

When they have non-hip-hop professional dancers it always makes me realize how far the actual contestants have to go.

The content of the review was all right, although I've been too busy doing grown-up things to read the last two weeks' worth of entries. I just thought the writing was poor. Since AV Club decided to do write-ups of apparently every show on television plus middling shows from the past, there just seems to be an

Also, Lil' C needs to go. I saw that he was on the panel and immediately decided that I was going to fast-forward through his comments, which is something I almost never do.

Sorry to rain on the parade here…
…But the writing on this review is horrible. Maybe Oliver is a noob, but read your stuff out loud before you post it. Seriously: "His closing group number set in medieval times features the girls poisoning their male companions with poisoned chalices." C'mon, mang.

Jordan is the sexiest of the dancers by far, but after her I'm partial to Miranda and Caitlynn. The way that Caitlynn squints her eyes when she's really smiling does something for me.

"No megusta!"

MVP of the Season: Nappy Tabs
I can't believe I'm saying it, but Nappy Tabs have brought it all season long. BY FAR the best chroeo of the season, with Travis Wall getting demerits for a cloying "My Mom's Sick" routine.

She's not coming back next year. She's been invited on the tour (with I guess Season 6 and All Stars), so this is the end of the on-screen journey for her.

My favorite part was that Adechike sad that the kiss at the end of the prom number "wasn't in the choreography" and Kent got all upset. Great stuff.

I thought when Cat mentioned "another injury last night" that Jose had gone down. Apparently Tyce told Jose to just hang out in the wings and let the real dancers do their work.

Yeah… I'm kind of doubtful about the accuracy of the partner-choosing process, as well as the genre that comes into play. It's just weird to get stuff from six days before.

The male-male ballroom that they showed on last season's tryouts was skeevy and off-putting. What's skeevy about M-F ballroom dancing for you? Oh, you're just taking an arbitrary position that has no basis in reality? Of course.

They had to have a top 11 so that everyone would know what happened to the William Bell of the alternate universe: He became a dancer!

I don't know. I thought the last two seasons were WAY down in the charisma department. I think that's why they're bringing the "All stars" in.

She definitely looked odd, but when they closed on up her face she didn't look hollow, or anything. My first reaction was that the girl could stand to gain 8 pounds and she'd be smokin'.