
But have you seen the "new, freakish, interesting moves from one-trick ponies" this season yet? I think that that's what I'm concerned about.

Sometimes I think that the show "banks" contestants for later seasons. He seemed like a good dancer, but I think he made it pretty clear that he'd come back.

I think that part of it is variety. I'm guessing that Rhythmic gymnasts ride the same two or three routines through a whole season, or add a couple of elements here and there as necessary.

Holly, I think that it also must be said that these dancers have to partner with someone. A couple years ago the team struggled really hard when a little guy was partnered up with Kayla, who was a long and strong kinda gal.

More SYTYCD/Glee Crossover
I'm surprised that no one mentioned this earlier, but when I was watching the last 5 minutes of Glee on Hulu (Fuck you, Fox and American Idol), I noticed that the ballerina from So You Think You Can Dance two years ago was in the Ballet Club with Rachel and James St. James during "Total

Where the fuck did you think all the other Na'vi were living, hem. Did you not see that there were a handful of the Hometrees when they panned up from the skyline?

I don't think he's wrapping it in any corporate disguise, Bfred. Blackwater probably committed more and greater atrocities in Iraq than American soldiers and Marines ever did.

Is that clearly the case, though, Sam? The Colonel got those scars from SOMEWHERE.

I'm late to this party, but I'm really interested in the conversation that's going on here. I hope that we read more like this on the AV Club, even if it ends up tucked away in the Blog.

Kathryn's story just seems like Jeanine II. Although I wouldn't mind hearing her acceptance speech before it reaches ultrasonic frequencies.

I thought the LXD routine was fantastic. That guy who was locking to begin and end the routine was incredible.

It sounds like it would be terrible, but the BFI Modern Classics series as a whole is fantastic, and this was a book that I couldn't put down.

I enjoyed this book.
Huge props, AV Club, for covering this little text from a university press.

I'm not saying that the boys are overall BETTER dancers than the girls. I think that this collection of guys is more interesting and more likely to win than any of the girls.

Comfort was a hip-hop dancer, but apparently there's some difference between hip-hop dancing and B-boy/B-girling. I think that there's a lot more floor work that B-boys do (perhaps the "B" stands for "Breaking").

My Bottom Three
1. Victor an Karen. Three strikes, and you're out, kids. Karen's really fallen apart these last two weeks. Victor's been a non-entity this entire time. Can anyone remember a personal fact about him? Wasn't there something about Miami and color?

They do call it B-girl, Wondered. There was a B-girl that was in the Top 20 maybe four seasons ago (?). Some of the better SYTTCD archivists would be able to say for sure.

Ellenore just seems hard to relate to on camera. I wonder if Ryan's carrying her farther that she really should go.

I think that Kathryn, Karen, and Noelle are not slouches in the upstaris department, FWIW.

I'll judge Karen once she's had a stronger partner. I'm not sure that Victor is that partner, though.