
Yes; A+ for super-tight black pants.

I didn't like the "stuffing" that was whole segments of nothing (we're looking at you, Dizzy Feet Foundation). But they'll still have the individual moments with the dancers.

I actually thought that the routine was dynamite all the way through until that last hold. I don't think you're being fair to Legacy, though. It wasn't like Kathryn wasn't grasping for her feet behind her head as well.

I wouldn't disagree that the Bobby McFarin music was INTERESTING. Actually, it was really cool, and I'd love to hear it performed live. But I think that it DISTRACTED FROM THE DANCING, and that was the critique that Shankman offered, accuratly, IMO.

I think that the judges are in part overselling Legacy because they think he'd be cool on tour and want him in the top 10. I guess that he's a little better in the choreography than Phillip from last season, but I don't think he's getting far beyond the Top 10.

My Bottom Three Prediction
Russell and Noelle (Because they danced a foxtrot and went too early in the broadcast), Kevin and Karen (the judges put the kibosh on that, and Kevin has little constituency on the show), and Channing and Victor (low charisma and a weird song choice).

True enough. They've NEVER broken to commercial before critique, and the show actually ran a little short. It didn't make any sense at all, and while I'm cheering HARD for Kathryn, that last lift was quite poor.

Peter had tons more charisma than Pauline did. I think it was clear that the judges believed the KAREN didn't belong in the bottom three, but what in the hell has Kevin done to continue being on the show? He's been a glorified prop for Karen, and he looked graceless last night during those lifts during the hustle.

Rules Update

Nigel's comments to the dancers were good.

Some other thoughts that haven't been commented on yet
Am I tired of Mary Murphy answering her own questions? Yes I am. Yes, I am.

I was deeply bored by Channing and Victor's performance, and I think that's a problem for them tonight. Maybe some of that is on the choreography and the music choice, but not all of it. The performers CAN enliven up weak routines.

They edited out the lyrics "When you wanna come" multiple times from the song. I noted it, too, and it was weird.

My wife commented multiple times that Cat's dress made her look like Mystique from XMen. I'm not so sure about that.

I'm guessing it's because some people (like me) really liked the routine, and some people (like Donna and Murse) didn't like it so much.

The cancer dance was the last good TYCE routine, but what was the last memorable Broadway number that's been on the show? "Don't Rock the Boat" from three seasons ago?

All right, turan. I'm kind of getting a crush on you here…

Some assembled thoughts
… I liked the Wade Robson routine. I think that the camerawork for the performance was poorly done, and distracted from the whole thing. I thought that it really worked.

I don't think they particularly fawned over Kathryn (who for me needs more screen time for ogling purposes) or Kevin (for whom the sooner he goes home, the better).

He said that "just over half" of the Top 18 were there.