
I'll fall in line here and add that this is a great show. It's the performance equivalent of Top Chef.

I have no problems with blondes in tiny shorts dancing for me. Just for the record.

More Random Thoughts
—Adam Shankman is the second-cutest girl on this show after Cat. I loved him last night, and can't wait to see more of him as a judge. He seemed to always want to see people do the choreography.

I'm sad that Stripper Lily is like 500x less sexy than real Lily.

She looks like a poor man's Anne Hathaway.

Weird experience, Beast. I apparently had a bunch of doppelgangers when I was fat in college, and then I lost weight, and no one comes up and talks to me like they know me anymore.

I'm not sure I understand what all the fuss is about. Nothing happened in this episode. Surely we all understand now that when the show hints at darker things on the horizon, it means that nothing dark will happen, and we'll wallow in atmosphere until the season peters out.

Weird. April is in a weird polyamorous relationship with a dude that's straight for her and gay for the other guy.

Ho Hum,

Well, I didn't like how Terri told Quinn to take those Prenatals three times per day. I don't know what kind of prenatals she's taking, but most you only have to take once, with food.

I am very much infatuated with the blonde Cherrio who doesn't ever get to talk.

"All of them. Well, except for the encyclopedias."

I have no idea what these television shows(?) are. Thanks for making me feel really, really old.

I thought the krump was good, but I think that they put him through to chroeography because they wanted to know if he actually has a chance.


It's not really only about it being funny, though, is it? My wife and I read P&P&Z and we really had a great time with it. Yes, it was funny, but we found ourselves more involved with the Austen through-line than the Graeme-Smith one. She had seen the movies or read the original text, and I hadn't. But I think we

Steve, BoyDaphne was featured in this episode. He's just like Daphne, except he has knives. Also, he's emo.

I would please like Hiro and Ando to die.

I watched Vanilla Sky a couple months ago because I wondered why I had a copy of it in my DVD library.

Lauren from Season 4 of So You Think You Can Dance in the front row of Lyrical Explosion's "Mercy" performance.