
Lauren from Season 5 of SYTYCD as one of the dancers on Glee last night. She was in the front of Lyrical Explosion's line! Yay! I loved Lauren, and she was a Phoenix native.


Oh… apparently later down in the thread it says that the song was "Mercy." I honestly couldn't tell the difference.

In some ways, I can compare this to Moulin Rouge! That film started out at such a frenetic pace that once it slowed down a little bit, the audience was comfortable, even if the pace was still really fast.

It wasn't the tease because SYTYCD isn't Hell's Kitchen. It's just not that kind of show. Thankfully.

The high-heel high-tops on the Cherrios in the studio dance section of the song made me feel funny inside.

The chronology of the episode is really weird. How much time actually elapses here. The teacher and his wife had locked into a "passionate" time of making the sex "once a week", and we see two pregnancy tests. Did this ep take place over at least two months? I have a hard time believing that even a stupid woman

Those guys were pretty good, but the little one is going to have to butch it up quite a bit if he's going to make it through Vegas week. He certainly can make his way through a Latin Ballroom choreography, but it's not clear how he'll take to the Hip hop/jazz/contemporary wringer that they run people through in Vegas.

Holy shit, Isis. Do you ever get tired of posting your McSweeny's list? It's probably 1/4 of your posts on this site. Lame.

I don't think you know…
…what "Pyrrhic victory" means, because you didn't use it correctly there.

I know. They did a pretty good job. Dangerous Liaisons is one of my favorite movies. I wish that it got more respect (fantastic cast), and a quality DVD release.

Cruel Intensions
Was a literal knock-off of Dangerous Liaisons, which was a knock-off of an excellent French novel.

I'm not sure why people post DialIdol rankings on here. They seem to be wrong like 80% of the time. Can you really not wait 24 hours to get the real results?

Endikum, I've heard that story told before. It's not that he freestyles all his raps or anything. It's that he has the beats and he composes the raps during the day (the example used in the article I read long ago was that he's always rapping in the shower and composing rhymes). By the time he's ready to lay down

That is weird, because Jay "don't surf the Net/no I never been on MySpace/too busy lettin' my voice vibrate/carvin out my space in this world/of fly girls cutthroats/and diamond cut ropes"…

D.O.A. is a hot track. FWIW, talkingstove, the lyric that drops T-Pain's name is:

What do you think this is, the "Get Indicted" Hotline?

I meant "weak", Funny. Sorry about that.

Smilner, if you have BBC America, you should check out Gordon Ramsey's The F Word. It's a far superior show, that's like a cross between a cooking show, a reality competition, and home documentary.

I think that most women actively hate Kara, which might draw more viewers than the apathy that I think Paula brings to the scene at this point.