
Someone at FOX was a cold-hearted snake.

I miss when Simon used to say that a performance was something "you'd find on a cruise ship." Also: "what you'd get at an amusement park."

It's a pretty take-it-or-leave-it proposition for me, TBT. My wife and I watch it because Tuesday night is an especially week night for television (except for Monday—hurry back football).

Nigel actually mentioned it in the critique. Big ups to wardrobe for tonight's work, but especially for the Superheroines.

I don't think that's right, Falling. Jason was also in the Zombie piece, but he was eliminated. In fact, I thought Jason was more interesting in BOTH of the partner dances, but he ended up getting the fewest votes.

vlad's right. If Kayla had been the one in the head scarf, it would have come off totally contrived. It would not have worked.

LOL. I think for sure that Evan better steel himself for the wrath of the judges and some real hate. It seemed like Wendesday night they soft-peddled the critiques of him in the hope that Evan fans might not pick up the phone to support him.

I don't know, MMQB, I if Dr. Dre is Bill Belichek, doesn't that mean that Snoop Doggy Dogg is Tom Brady, and Eminem would be Matt Cassel? Also, would that mean that Ice Cube is Drew Bledsoe? It all works!

Don't stress out ONNA. Nathan's here, and even he gets a little uptight about rappers who are "mainstream." It's obvious that there aren't a ton of people here who know Jigga outside of his singles, and Hova even has a response to that:

If Jay-Z is the Brett Favre of rap, then I think that 50 might be Brian Griese. Was okay for a little while, but has somehow stuck around and his name comes up.

I also love Riesgraf (I'm guessing she's the actress who plays Parker). She's a delight on the show, and the smirkiest character. She's unpredictable, and I like the romance that's budding between her and the Hacker guy.

Seriously, how out-of-shape are you people? You ended up "staggering to the sofa, drenched" in sweat from pretending to play volleyball?

I haven't seen this show…
…because I don't have Showtime, but Mary-Louise Parker was the biggest turn-on for me when she was on The West Wing.

I don't know
I thought the shows were great. There were really, really funny bits. I was trying to explain the bit where Stephen makes a CARE package for the troops with Tom Hanks (concluding with them recording a greeting card together) was fantastic and funny.

Fiona is single-handedly bringing the fanny pack back.

I loved the group number. The remix of the song was just enough that I wasn't totally annoyed by a song that is played out seemingly 2 weeks after its release.

Nineteen, I set my DVR to record all new Jeopardy! episodes so that I can track your progress. Funny that they gave a Florida final jeopardy answer when there was a Florida contestant on panel, but those are the breaks.

I remember going the The Wherehouse on 9/11 on the way home from work to pick up The Blueprint. The place was totally empty.

The Blueprint 2 has some good tracks, but as an album, it really fails to hold together. "Meet the Parents" is one of my favorite Jay-Z tracks and is the song I point to whenever someone accuses Jigga of being a shallow rapper. "The Bounce" is another track that I really like on that album.

Yeah, the first girl had amazing legs, but her abs scared the shit out of me.