
Great comment, sashi. I learn so much from the judges on this show.

Bob, they always let a ton of contemporary dancers through, and they're usually the plurality of the finalists in the Top 20, as well. I think it's because Contemporary tends to draw from so many other genres that they have the broadest base of training to work with.

This shit was certainly cool, but I agree that it's not better than the version on Tha Carter III.

I don't know, Zack…
…This show has been going on for two seasons, and you're still as disappointed now as you were in the first five episodes. Perhaps it's time you adjust your expectations.

Hey, Joss Whedon's production company: A.I. doesn't usually premiere until January. So it'll kick off right after SYTYCD: Fall Edition ends.

It's weird how frequently there are people who just HATE HATE HATE Mary Murphy. The screams can get a little tiresome, but, as others have said, she knows her ballroom and makes more substantive critiques week in and week out than any judge on Idol.

Bourne, I don't think they're"squeamish about homosexuality." After all, we're talking about dancers here. Usually a handful of the Top 10 male dancers are pretty gay.

Not Gay
But my two highlights of the night:

Thanks, Keith. Another question: When are you going to unveil the next "Wrapped Up In Books" title? I'd prefer to get a jump start 'cause I'm resolved to get through Inifinite Jest this summer, and I have a couple other books lined up, too.

I get it—I wouldn't go to my high school. But if you can get 50% of a town that's 40,000 strong (by Kris's estimation), don't you think that 1% of the population of San Diego (3 million)? Really, I thought that was embarrassing.

I'll probably sound like a rube…
But, Ellen, what is your role in the A.V. Club? I feel like I'm familiar with all of the other writers in this conversation, but I don't think I've run across your byline before.

Can't Believe that No One Else has Mentioned This Yet…
…but I couldn't have been the only one to notice that Lambert wasn't drawing anywhere near the crowds that Gokey and Kris were.

Danny Gokey has a dead wife?

What was more obnoxious was Gokey getting off the plane carrying a guitar. Give me a break, Danny. You can't play an instrument.

LOL, Santos.

My wife said the same thing. Perry with lots of eye makeup closely resembles a really obnoxious Zooey Deschanel.

No, you're right. It explicitly mentions Portland in the final chapters. For whatever reason, I thought that the last stuff took place in New York. That might be because I assume that every novel takes place in New York until told otherwise.

I read that as Norval having to find a way to fund his "research" after no editor would continue to sponsor it, dog.

It may be worth noting that Arty is aggressively in pursuit of the "acceptance" of norms—far more than any other character. He is the one who is constantly poring over the receipts from the night, and it's only when the twins start drawing more people than his act does that he really begins to hate them.

One of my favorite aspects of this novel…
Is how hermetically sealed it is from the "outside" world. I challenge anyone to tell me when this novel takes place in time. It could as easily be set in 1960 as in 1990. The characters are largely a closed system. Arturo has to explain to Oly how a telephone works