
I like the "Analysis a Day" format, although I agree that the "wrapped up in books" area of the site is kind of tucked away.

I don't know. I think with another 50 pages on the end, this book could have been really good. I just think that Dunn sort of ran out of gas or lost her way into the novel, because the final five or six chapters seem to lack all direction and are overly plotted.

I'm glad that I wasn't the only one having a hard time picturing Arturo. I'm not sure that wasn't totally a decision on Dunn's part, since Arturo will often be whomever his audience wants him to be. But he was a slippery presence for me.

Later in the book, there is a comment about girls running screaming from Arty's trailer in the night (assumably due to his strange desires), and having to be corralled by security and paid hush money. Arty certainly wasn't desirious of these "norm" girls.

A big misread
Donna says, "Would we all be Miss Lick, "saving" the exceptional by making them ordinary, if we could?"

Hey Rufus! We have a ferret, too! Her name is Daisy. I promise that we're not weird exotic animal owners.

I was really pumped…
…for America's Next Top Model: Race Wars. Surely something could have been made of the fact that the two white girls liked each other and the two black girls liked each other and it seemed like the other two groups never, ever talked to each other.

As a totally straight man, there is NOTHING gay about SYTYCD. Easily the hottest contestants (and host) of any show on television.

Two more weeks! I'm so damned excited. Anyone else actually stop fast forwarding when the preview comes on?

And now a meaningful comment…
I don't know if anyone here is part of the big crossover audience between the AV Club and Bill Simmons's B.S. Report podcast, but Bill and maybe Cousin Sal were talking about how NBC is taking a giant shit on Conan and assuring that his Tonight Show gig fails.

Great Work, Claire.
Yeoman's work for what I thought was a pretty middling episode. Just a couple quick thoughts:

One last observation
I'm surprised this didn't make it into the write-up, but Ted's quick monologue about how he'll marry Robin and she won't have to have this baby alone and they can even get married but it would have to be one of "those" marriages was pretty fantastic.

I thought Flint was the nation's number one manufacturer for despair.

Alien Time Machine.

I wasn't really about the hugging, either. Perhaps some more whimsical business in the background would have helped, but it really just wasn't that funny.

Well, as someone who has terrible balance, I'm still getting three stars on the one-legged "tree" poses, although I've been working at it for four months now. I took a long break, and my score suffered.

I guess it depends on the surface you're using for the board. We have the shitty carpeting that came with our house (it's constantly pulling off lint for some reason), but when the board is on it, I get the same weight measurement that I get on the digital scale in the upstairs bedroom.

Feed, I don't think I am. I have a really slow metabolism. Two days a week I run for 60 minutes, three days a week I weight train for 1/2 hour before doing 30 minutes more of light cardio (heart rate @ 126 bpm)—M shoulders and back, W legs, F arms and abs. Saturdays I do 30 minutes of heavy cardio on the elliptical

The wife watches Bones and I go along for the ride.

After listening to the AV Club talk on Wolverine, I decided to stay away from it. I think that even a "C" grade would have given me an excuse to go, but after hearing one of the boys say that they took all the good elements of the movie and compressed it into the preview, I know that I'll rent it.