
Is Aliens an action movie? That movie's pretty high on my Top 5 all time movies list.

For what it's worth, I wouldn't use Wii Fit as a weight-loss aid, but I do think it helps one become more aware of one's body. I think the balance games are really fun and have let me get a better understanding of the way I stand, walk, etc.

Is SouthLAnd really that different from that show about EMTs or something (First Alert?), where "they lose one of their own" seemingly every episode?

I'm super-excited for Punch Out! I expect it to be awesome, but not as good as I remember the old Mike Tyson's Punch Out as being.

I can't imagine that Wii Fit is effective except for the most inactive people in the world. I hit the gym 6 times a week, and while I like the Yoga exercises for stretching, I don't think there's much of a workout in doing the 30 minutes a day that the machine asks for.

Does this really happen? With what exercises? Is this an on-line thing?

The quality of your title selection has really declined over the past couple of weeks, K.

Maybe the most suspensful moment in Fringe
was last night when we saw the syphillis vampire wake up in the back seat while Olivia and Peter were jamming on the siren. We all knew it was coming, but I think they drew the moment out just long enough that my skin was crawling.

Elvis Costello does a good version of "My Funny Valentine" as a bonus track on the CD for "Armed Forces".

I think the problem with Alison is that she acts like a shy 17 year old when she looks like a 22 year old who has been sleeping in boxcars for the past three years.

For what it's worth, I actually kind of liked it. There's always been a meta aspect to HIMYM, and in this case I like that the writing room sometimes settles for the best three or four ideas that come out, giving everyone a shot.

Really, I thought that it was a little overlong, but I think the "true story" thing totally saved it.

They're not trying to hide it, but they are making a pantomime of trying to hide it. The cereal box was particularly artful.

I dunno, Yummsh. I liked Sarah ACTUALLY turning her bridesmaid's dress into a cocktail dress, and I liked watching the Special Forces guys planning the beach wedding.

It's possible that Bryce isn't dead, and that he'll be turned into a bad guy next season. Remember that the agent that picked Bryce up was "PRESUMED DEAD," so it's within the realm of possibility, since Bryce is not presumed dead, as well.

LOL @ Hand Grenade.

"Doesn't care to promote the show"? WTF, dude? They gave Chuck a ton of promotion time during the fucking Super Bowl (including an episode in 3D).

I will also miss the Sarah hotness, with the hope of more Jordana Brewster hotness, as well.

Evangelizing for Fringe
I watched this last night with a couple of NOOBs who were over watching American Idol, and I think they liked it.

I like having Joshua Jackson on the show. When he was talking to Olivia about whether he was bothered that he called her sister, I thought he should say, "You know, I took the virginity of my best friend's first love, so you better say what you fucking mean."