
SPOILER ALERT that shit, Yummsh.

I think BMC gets it just right.

If they want the show to run on time…
…why do they let Seacrest fucking talk to the conestants for 3-4 minutes at a time before starting their clips? I fast forwarded through Gokey and Giraud's talk-abouts that easily, if cut, would have put the show back on time.

Yeah, but "Falling Slowly" has been getting pretty heavy airplay here in Phoenix, at least. I can understand not knowing that this song was from a movie, but it was 61 on the Billboard Hot 100 at one point.

Really? No laughter when "Fantasy Guy" walked in front of the elevators? Or when the paperboy told Robin that he'd totally wash his hands "before I get in your business"?

FB, I'm generally attracted to blondes, but Jordana Brewster is probably easier on the eyes (for me) than Sarah is. And I like Sarah, but I'm paralyzed by Jordana.

I don't know if they don't know how to make them hits, exactly. It's just that shows like Chuck, Life, FNL, and Kings are incredibly expensive to make. I think that Chuck probably enjoys modest success among important demographics, but not enough success to really become profitable for NBC.

Are you a Neilsen family? If so, please watch a couple times.

I think that LIFE and MEDIUM (and maybe L&O Prime [when was the last time they aired a new episode of that) are possibly going to be axed because they're going to do the daily, hour-long prime-time Leno show next fall, right?

Is it just me…
Or is Jordana Brewster impossibly attractive? Especially when she puts on a pair of glasses. Whenever she was on-screen, it was like my brain turned in to a puddle of goo.

Watching HEROES after watching CHUCK…
…is like eating a delicious steak dinner with all the trimmings and following it it up by being beaten repeatedly in the groin with a 2x4.

A Couple Stray thoughts:
Paula had gross lipstick on her teeth through a good portion of tonight's broadcast.

Ohno, I don't think that's how it works. The new Intersect would (theoretically, according to Orion) erase Chuck's Intersect, but it's now "downloading" that information into the new Intersect. It's just overwriting what's already in Chuck's brain.

I just wanted to add that the title of this episode was stupid. Really, really stupid.

Ahh… Micah's cousin. I always think about her as The Copycat. That makes more sense. She was good. I wish she'd come back. I actually liked Micah, as well, although it's disconcerting to see his as an adolescent when he essentially hadn't been on screen since early in Season 2.

I'm with you, sup. I was convinced a month ago that Chuck's dad was Orion, but I'd been sold so well by Bakula as Chuck's dad that when he pulls out the sweet forearm computer and locks the doors or whatever, it was a pleasant surprise.

If you didn't realize in advance that Orion was going to be Chuck's dad, you weren't paying attention to the ironclad law of Television Conservation of Guest Casting.

Just a couple thoughts:
Who is "TiVo Girl"? Is this a reference that I'm missing because I have the superior DVR?

Lifetime: Television I quickly switch past between the Discovery Channel and SpikeTV.

Is "throw her cat at me" a euphemism, Yummsh?