
I'm right there with you, Aedan. I didn't think of Carmen Sandiego, but now I think I might.

I think that Megan Joy is her first and middle name. She's already a divorcee.

My favorite Kanye songs that haven't been mentioned include "Two Words," "Everything I Am," "Touch The Sky", "Gone," and "Welcome to Heartbreak."

Ongoing Household Debate
I wasn't sure, but last night we were discussing who the most successful Idol winner has been. I missed a couple seasons, so I'm not sure I could actually name all of them, but I think I'd make it:

America loves the IDEA of the McRib, more than the "sandwich" itself.

You don't need a male roommate, do you, Jessica? I can referee the pillow & tickle fights.

I forget whether it was last night or tonight—but did anyone else see that the Ribwich (McRib) is coming back?

A Couple of thoughts
No one liked Jasmine but the judges. Sorry, sweetheart, back to playing the Mississippi State Fair with you.

In Bruges is a really good, entertaining movie. It's good to see Ralph Finnes not take himself so seriously all the time.

Kelly in "Since U Been Gone" was thick, but just healthy-looking. Last night, Kelly looked like she ate all the unsold copies of her last album. Even her face looked pudgy and gross (like Gwyneth Paltrow in that movie where she's in a fat suit).

It's time to move this from "HIATUS" to "ACTIVE" on the TV Club sidebar.

Glam Squad
Apparently the Glam Squad just gave everyone stupid highlights. There was even a blue highlight in Jasmine's hair last night. Give me a break.

Also, I think his desperation to please is deeply unappealing. He really doesn't seem comfortable in himself (which I think is one thing that makes Anoop attractive as a cast member). David Cook was fine being whoever he was, which was great.

I haven't read all the comments yet…
…because I have to go to work. But I think Adam Lambert needs to go. Didn't we already see him last year when he was named David Cook?

Kind of a solid ep
but I found myself kind of bored throughout this episode. There wasn't much that was funny (besides Ted getting bounced from the Bench), and neither the Demon of the Week nor the Larger Arc was all that interesting (does anyone really think that Sam's going to get out of his contract in the next 10

Favorite Line of the Night
"Morgan is so tired of Big Mike punching his mom's clock that he's coming to work early!"

Heroes did it first with the awesome (at the time) Bad Hiro setting up timelines to try and figure out how to stop an exploding man.

For all of that, though, the opening where Sarah's sleeping peacefully and Chuck is super-uncomfortable with her in his bed was pretty hilarious.

I was really hoping we'd get "We Don't Need Another Hero" from Beyond Thunderdome in this episode. It seemed perfect for it, and the show.