
That's a pretty fantastic Claire rant.

Can some of the young'uns answer Noel's question?
What the fuck are you talking about on the phone? Why can't you just put the phone away for 75 goddamn minutes without texting?

Book versions > Movie versions. Interestingly, Movie versions > Short stories.

Gams > Getaway sticks. I like the metaphor, but it' doesn't exactly come trippingly off the tongue, does it?

Yummsh!: Who got ousted on Hell's Kitchen? The fat one? The annoying Blonde? The vaguely Asian/Latin girl?

Easy, at least it means 5 fewer minutes of local news programming. I think we're all better off without that (since they didn't cut 5 minutes from Hell's Kitchen). Now I don't know who got kicked out by Chef Ramsey, through. :bang:

Then you totally missed how apparently the meme of the season is going to be "fucking with Anoop". Anoop complained about being picked last on Wednesday night, then they called Braddy's name before his.

Get to work, Amelie…
…on your ANTM Review from last night.

Jesse is pretty hot. She's got a killer body, but her face can look REALLY weird from certain angles. Also, she's got AMAZING eyes.

I actually don't think it matters. I think they gave direction to the ones that won't make it. To Megan Joy, Anoop, and Jesse, they didn't say anything. Maybe that's because they were running out of time, but I really think that this one is already in the books.

Noel, I think you're looking at a highly-edited showcase. No interstital material, limited judges comments. The singers might even be singing a cappella again. I have a hard time seeing that they'll have time for new arrangements. There's no need for a live show, either.

I didn't really like the Ang Lee version or the new one. Maybe I just don't get The Hulk.

What's the "Girl spelling" of Jesse? Jessy? Jessie? Jesse'?

Here's my conspiracy theory:


Wild Card Update
Didn't see it mentioned here, but I know that people are interested in Wild Cards.

I don't know. I think that Sock is more like Casey (the raging Id of the show) than Ben. Ben is much more like Morgan (ethnic sidekick whom no one would really miss all that much).

A couple quick notes:
—Claire Bear, did you get married recently? I think we'd heard you talk about your partner before, but never your husband. If so, congrats!

Bonus Chuck similarity: Hot Asian fringe character!

How did this discussion get this far…
…without mentioning white-hot Sarah in some naughty underwear?