
I don't know, Mikey. I kind of liked the CopyCat. Micah would have to get to her and let her realize that powers are cool, but I liked her more than Parkman or any of the Ali Larter characters or Mohinder.

I really hope that it is Micah. Micah was easily the best character on Heroes. In that he was genuinely excited to have powers, his powers were awesome, and he thought that they were fun to use (remember him getting his daddy money from the ATM?).

I don't know. I can hear "Alone" sung well pretty often before I get tired of it. That's just a fantastic song.

I think you're right, Noel, that this episode wasn't as successful, even if the performances, on average, were better than last week.

I was looking at her tattoo. It seems to be a wedding scene: two people in white kissing in front of a church under the moonlight.

The A.I. producers may be reaping the whirlwind with Norman Gentle. They surely knew the structure of the show coming in, so they needed to pad the early rounds with people who wouldn't win but would be good T.V.

I agree with… adorable.

More Weird Editing
I thought that this was a solid episode of Chuck, but I wonder if there aren't technical problems behind the scenes. Like last week's episode, it felt like this was a little disjointed at times, and some of the timing was off.

I think I've finally learned how to quit you.

Wasn't the point of the preview last week that his loyalties were finally going to become clear? That obviously didn't happen; Noah's motivations are as opaque as ever.

It's almost worth it to finally get to Simon, who is totally over the entire thing already.

I hear what you're saying, Pork, but it certainly wasn't a coffeehouse arrangement (which is probably more what I was trying to say).

Claire, Larry David on Hanna Montana was terrible, but at least his daughters (apparently) got to meet Miley. Can we be friends again? I take back what I said before…

Doogie Howser, M.D. was an awesome show, Yummsh!

I kind of liked looking at the contestants over the performer's shoulder while they were singing. It was fantastic watching the relief on various cast members' faces when a performer obviously wasn't doing very well.

I got the distinct feeling that those two hombres were going to be running a train on Tatianna immediately after the episode wrapped.

She's got a fabulous face, but she's a little too thin for me. Also, she's a single mom who doesn't wear an engagement ring and purportedly has a fiancee in Afganistan or somewhere. I just don't know.

The weird thing was how unbalanced the show actually was. The first hour was impossibly boring, but things kicked up halfway through, and it was basically the usual Idol format.

I love you Claire…
…but I think you booted this recap.

I'm not sure the judges have worked it out. Simon said that these performers "wasted their one chance," and for some of them (like Jackie Tohn), they surely did. But if Anoop doesn't make it though these draconian rounds, he'll surely get a Wild Card chance.