
Really good ep
But I had a question about the Intersect.

The two Indian women were lesbian lovers, right? I mean, wasn't that what we were supposed to take away?

Is Claire done?
Or taking the night off. I wasn't sure, but isn't "Handing over the reins" usually a more permanent status? We love you, Donna, but we love Claire, too!

No. She's kind of sloppy and her hair is all nappy. And the affore-mentioned teeth.

I'm pretty happy whenever Leonard posts to these threads.

If the producers really wanted to drive internet traffic, they should run a 24/7 Tatiana cam on their site. I'd love to see her order Lox or something at a deli, dressing down PAs.

Hornacek (Loved you as a Sun, hated you as a Jazz)

Damn you perverts
The boob clips are taking for ever to load!

Your mom thinks that "'longer' equals 'better'".

I think it depends on the movie. If it's an action movie, then you're not getting more boobs, even if you really want them (Fuck you, Death Race and Arthur). You're just getting more graphic decaptitations.

You can, but I'm afraid it's just a picture of a sleeping donkey with flies buzzing around its hindquarters.

I don't think that there can be any question that Peter's been dosed with Cortexifan. I mean, he grew up in the lab with Bell and Walter, and it's pretty clear that his brain has excess capacity.

He said that he's not completely blind. I think he said that he has like 6 degrees of vision through both eyes, which is like looking at the world through a coffee straw.

Also, I'm pretty sure the producers just moved her from one room that wasn't getting cut to another room that wasn't being cut. This is a really boring cast this season.

Underrated Exchange:

So YOU'RE the cheating husband that drove her back into the warm folds of the LDS church! I knew it all along!

85% of success in this round is being able to remember the damned words. Nothing is more embarrassing to Idol than when a performer forgets the words. The judges were SPEECHLESS last year when Jason Castro did it (a couple times, IIRC!).

According to the Fringe wiki, The Observer was standing on a corner in last week's ep when Olivia swerved around a corner, and, as mentioned earlier, was on the soccer fields when the plane exploded.

She is. I think they're giving her hair more volume, and they're dressing her a little more sexily.

I noted that too. Good stuff.