
Sneaky Ford Commerical
No comments yet on the "Play Song 'Shut Up and Drive'" mini-ad for Ford?

I'm sure they do, but I don't think they should be in the damned theatre watching the auditions. Let them go to Universal Studios.

I don't know. Walter (and his 197 IQ) seemed pretty sure that that was impossible. I'm a little surprised that Walter isn't more interested in exploring that development.

That's basically where I am with that right now, but I really, really, REALLY hope that it's more interesting/complicated than that.

Family visits
Have they always let family come around and cheer on/mourn with contestants during Hollywood Hell Week? I think this is the first time I've seen it, or so many.

Wouldn't this show just be better…
…if all it was was watching these guys chase Sylar. Right now, the game is sort of guessing who the shadow is based on whomever hasn't shown up in the episode yet.

Three weeks. There was a bye week in there.

Why would the Cards not be able to win? They play the same game. The Steelers' defense begins with stopping the run. The Cards rarely bother to even try running the ball.

Cards Fan in the House!
I'm sure no one here cares about football really, but I think this matchup is solid for the Cards. The San Diego offense gave the Steelers trouble in the Divisional Round, and they were bothering to run a broken LaDanian Tomlinson.

Pair—I'm in the Valley of the Sun as well! Good looking out.

All my wife and I did was play…
guess the Mormon during this episode. I'm pretty sure that they all were. If they weren't from Salt Lake, they were almost certainly LDS.