out to lunch

Awwwhh. Bless him.

God no. Who could take that much schmaltz??

Oh right! Wasn't that the TV movie that made it into the cinemas? In Europe, anyway.

How does that go for Robert Vaughn, though? A ton of movie credits, a role in a legendary movie, and a best supporting actor nomination??

Ehm - no. The Hitler comparison came up first time when Bush faked a reason to attack another country.
And with the current disaster in office it is a lof of things - being a demagoge for one.

Ehm, a girlfriend is not somebody you pay to have sex with, you know.

Oh please. That was a tough field this year, they already had to leave of Amy Adams. No way a smaller part would have made it on. Better this way - she has something to shoot for.

LOL. Exactly what I was thinking.

Thanks for that. After the mess that was Force Awakens I was done with Star Wars. Now you made me really want to see Rogue One.

Both movies suck. There. I said it.


I always thought Tomei was the best. Really didn't get the backlash.

Yeah, but Denzel never won a SAG before, so this could easy count as a holdover. On the other hand, he did win 2 Oscars - giving him a third when there's strong competion seems unlikely.

RV was an active Democrat during the 60ies. Openly against Vietnam War, friends with RFK, wrote a book about HUAC. The assassination of RFK brought an end to that.
And how fucked up is 2016 that I hope he was on enough painkillers not to have really noticed what's happened this week.

Great show, ended too soon. And RV was brilliant in it.

Nope. YOU did.

And you need to get lost.

God had nothing to do with it. You people have to look a lot more south for that. Nothing? I give you a hint: really warm place. Flaming, even.

No need to prove my point. But keep trying - maybe you'll get there.