out to lunch

Jawohl, mein Führer!!

Actually 12 was painfully bad. Like they all got high and did the "oh, let's do that - that's gonna be fun" thing. Yikes.

Yeah, that cracked me up, too. Don't think he was a doctor, though. Also: where the hell is he gonna go - the hospital is on lock-down?!

Totally agree on the violence. With children involved - no, just no. Had to skip-watch the pilot. Maybe I'll archive and watch the lot when the season is done. I do like a good revenge tale…

Looks like the David Lyons fan club has at least two members. You go, girls.

Not to mention that would be racism over homophobia (or anti- LGBT). Oscars still got plenty of that - like Carol not getting nominated for Best Picture (or Danish Girl, even). And don't forget agism: Charlotte Rampling got nominated but Maggie Smith was snubbed (guess one old broad is enough), and her performance

Well, drink to this: "Leipzig 1975" was in EAST-Germany - a communist country behind the Iron Curtain. So: no private bank, no limos, banquet halls, bodyguards ect. No way even to get into the bloody country (unless you have an invisible time ship). Any big city in West-Germany and this would have worked - but

Dann sind wir Helden - für einen Tag.

Yeah, the classy way would have been to have his credit at the end "and JN as Sherlock sr.". And like you, I'd don't read about shows, but couldn't avoid the reveal as it was on a sidebar of a film review. Darn. Talk about stupid spoilers.

"almost all media criticism has to be filtered through this insipid feminist lense of how the female characters are portrayed" You're kidding, right?

But only until midseason.

Thanks to the botox pit.

I'd really love that. But it seems Merlyn has become a cross between the teflon man and the comeback kid: nothing sticks and he always comes back (and on top). Would be nice to see him really pay for his crimes. A short barbeque session with Ra's didn't quite cut it.

Considering Palmer used Felicity to get Queen Consolidated in the first place I think that's ok.

We must have been watching a different show (or the same show differently), because I saw Felicity doing a lot more than crytalk/face. And certainly a lot more range than Ra's. But she was less comedy and more drama this season, and hampered by overall bad writing decisions.

Remember Ally McBeal and Brothers and Sisters? That woman has a frightening amount of staying power.

People ship all kinds of characters - they're really not to blame if the writers decide to take the show into a direction you don't like.

Seems like a lot of people here can't understand that you can like Olicity, but not be all girly-fannish about it.

Yeah, I really like Olicity, too, and it fits the development of Oliver's character. It just wasn't done very well for the most part (the back and forth you pointed out). But don't think Olicity was the real problem with this season. That was the writers inabilty to follow through with what they set out to do. So you

ROFLMAO!! Didn't know about the eyepatch thing (not too familiar with Wolverine). That just made my day.