out to lunch

And if you haven't seen other works by Kubrick, you might want to check them out, they're pretty much all brilliant (except for Eyes Wide Shut). Oh, to be able to see them for the first time again…

Palmer Industries boss Felicity in a flying suit? Loving it!

Or the mob just needed someone else to lynch for a change. Personally, I'm not getting all this Felicity bashing. So she showed a few feelings, so she was the love interest this season, so what. That's done and we can move on next season with an established relationship for a change. I'm all for it.

My thoughts, exactly.

Disagree. Vehemently. Felicity as head of Palmer next year? Fun!!

Wow - that didn't take long. Have a few more women on a show (a protagonist at that), who are not obvious male fantasy objects, and it's a chick flick. Get over it.

Yeah, to my big surprise, I liked the trailer, too (and this is coming from a life-long Supergirl fan). It's a nice take on the character (fun!), better than what the comics have done in recent years.

…and that's just stupid. I mean what - her cousin can't do a fly-by? Oh, right. It's the WB.

Yeah, same here. Not getting all the Laurel love. Her fight scenes look
lame and she not selling Canary to me at all (unlike Sarah). Plus the
actress still just looks weird.

Ehm - are you looking for a more profound explanation than "'cause they don't give a shit"?

Yeah, I made till they took in the kid for questioning. Seen it all before, won't be wasting my time on this one.

Also: "alleged murder". Was there any doubt that the guy was murdered??

Glad to see at least some people share my misgivings about this storyline.

That's how I read that last scene, too. Also, a survivor of an attack needs a very different support group from a substance abuser. The "she has to want to get help" doesn't really apply. Getting her to go to meetings and to listen, really not a bad idea. A first step to make her leave the place of isolation the

Agent BecauseHeCanAct

Agent Who Cares.

Ehm - Nazis WERE sexists. Women as broodmares and all that.

I'm with you on the Skye hate thing. But she's in a competition with dollface from The Blacklist, and Laurel from Arrow for most annoying each week. Fun.

And leave broadway to Disney.

I was thinking more like the universe is expanding - but yeah, ISIS works, too.