out to lunch

Same here.

And look what happens when they don't: garbage in the WH.

Winning in the age of Trump, where sexual assault, rape and any sort of mistreatment of women gets you to the WH.

Unless his wife takes him to the cleaners in the divorce. Here's hoping.

Oh fuck off already.

They might also just be right-wing trolls.

If only.

Now there's a timeline I want to live in.

Not a genius, totally agree. BUT he is a snakeoil salesman - and as such so the birthers etc correctly.

Oh my. I just had a flash of President Gordon Ramsey screaming his head of in the White House kitchen…

And yet those are the times we live in now. I need to get drunk more.

Oh come on - she was just another stupid girl who married a Nazi. You have to do better than that!

Only he won't be in his underwear.

Well, those 1000 years only last for 12. But look what those fuckers accomplished in that time.

Make that pink kryptonite and you've got a movie.

Flying into buildings while talking?

Missed by a decade or two. It's the 40-50ies. Tracy & Hepburn.

NBC's got Blake Shelton. White *Country* guy with guitar. Fox don't stand a chance.

Two what?

Yech. Cowell? That self-promoting know-nothing arse?? No, thanks.