out to lunch

Agent No Luck Club?

Yeah, but he's really not that smart, just a ruthless dick with one hell of a tunnel vision, so all his manipulation comes across as ridiculously obvious. And again, if Coulson were watching, he'd know.

If Coulon would be watching, he'd know that Ward has given up very little info, and instead has just been chatting up Skye. I mean, he knew about Young Agent Ice Man bringing down the fridge (ouch!), and the whole brain-washing deal. What HAS he really given them so far? The Hydra logo??

Agent Wrong Show.

The Middle-East is expanding.

Agent No TheWalrusWasPaul.

Agent Tan McSpraysALot. What else is he gonna do. All by himself. Alone. In the dark.

I'd love one with her mum: Agent I still got contacts cause my agency didn't go down.

G. W. Bush.

Nope. He's still Agent DoucheBag WannaDoSkye. Also: nobody's monitoring their little chats?? He can just play his little mind games with her??? Stupid.

Well, I'm one of those unfaithfuls who threw the towel - although in my case it's because I can't stand the current companion (worst ever). Capaldi just can't make up for her. That, and he made me wish they'd taken Helen Mirren up on her offer to play the Doctor.

Nope. In a really bad show - she still manages to come across as worse. And I'm a fellow Smash watcher, btw, where she found new lows every week. Maybe that's her genius thing - bad acting (and singing).

Loved the opening: first you have Nazis talking in German with a bad English accent - then you have Nazis talking in English with a bad German accent. My ears, my ears!!!!

NĂ¼sse. Of course, in this context it would be Eier (eggs).

Huh. Melinda May is one of the reasons I've kept watching this mess, and I think Ming Na is doing well with the character, maybe her best work here since her first run on ER.

What - no Ben-Hur With Zombies?? Lame.

I liked how none of Carter's new friends pointed out to her that the mother she keeps whining about is a psychopath who kidnaps little children. Instead they're all so understanding and set up that idiotic prank - yeah, not buying.

Must be a dungbeetle review.

Michelle Pfeiffer and Fisher Stevens. Just sayin'.

Well, it was precisely this lack of diversity that kept taking me out of the show (that, and McConaughey's award-winning weight-loss). Seriously - not a single female detective - in the mid-90ies/2012???