The Royal Dutch of Dukes1

Wow, so that lifeguard joke is his definition of cerebral? I guess that there's very little difference between him and his character.


Apparently Scharpling is gonna rag on AVC commenters whether they defend him or not, so defending him kind of seems pointless now.


This was another good Best Show that got put into the Rest…what gives? Is it because he trashed AV Club commenters?

So, Gary X is a pretty huge asshole, huh?

Screw you, Podmass
"Like a pimply Silver Surfer" should have been enough to put the Best Show in the Best this week.

And by comics I meant comments.


Does anyone remember
Last year, when Noel Murray did that (very nice and well written) blog post after Pekar died, and the replacement bassist from Volcano Suns (evidently an alcoholic mailman at this point in his life) showed up in the comments to tell Noel that he sucked and that Pekar supposedly hated the AV Club?

You guys
Are wayyyyy to harsh on Amadeus. Seriously. Also, why you no cover the Flop House?

Are youse guyses going to review L.A. Noire?

That letter
really should have said "Fuck you, Maureen Dowd. I'm Bob Dylan. I don't have to play those two fucking songs at every show I do."

Lobsters does, because he's Lobsters.

His show is fine…when the fuck did he admit that during the Maron interview? Were you listening to the same interview as I was? Or did you just completely misinterpret what he said?

Telling Spike Lee to go straight to hell? That's very Christian of you, Mr. Perry.

Ah, so
Tyler Perry is complete asshole who doesn't know what he's talking about when he says things. All the more reason not to like him and his movies.

That poster
I love how the hot chick on the poster looks NOTHING like the "…eh" leading lady.