The Royal Dutch of Dukes1

I wonder if Evanescence's street team will find this review and blow up the comments section…

Figured the Best Show would land in the Rest this week, since a decent portion of the Wurster call is rooted in Tom taking a shit on the AV Club and its writers.

Wow, thanks for sharing. Asshole.

So on this week's Best Show, the tail end of the Jon Wurster call was basically an attack on the AV Club and its writers. A funny attack, though.

It's something that you definitely need to get used to. I definitely don't blame you for being put off at first. It totally depends on what the show's like the first time you tune in. No Best Show is exactly like the last one, each is unique. But some are precisely right. It's worth sticking it out, if you're a comedy

So is at good as the Flop House? That's the only bad movie podcast that I've found to be consistently brilliant. How Did This Get Made is especially lame. So is We Hate Movies more similar to the Flop House than it is to How Did This Get Made?

Did you NOT know it was a three hour show? I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned on here before.

"You're sweet as ice cream?" "It's like sweet cherry pie"? WHO TALKS LIKE THAT

See, now I wish I knew what was said, but I'm sure that if I found out I would just be offended.

We get it. You like KISS, and you're insecure about that.

This whole thread is maybe the most masturbatory, elitist piece of shit I've seen on this site in a LOOOONG time. Jazz no longer the purview of straight white dudes? Yeah, cause all those hip gay asian guys are SUPER into jazz. When is the last time you met someone who loved jazz who WASN'T some old white guy? Jesus

I think this band is easier for me to appreciate than to like. I totally get what they're doing, and I get a kick out of some of the songs, but it's not really the kind of music that I'll be listening to for years to come. But as far as trashy/arty gonzo provocations go, these guys are a lot of fun.

I'd like to imagine that the shirtless guy beating him up was Damian from Fucked Up.

Whither Arkham City?

Shit, now I actually feel bad for Kirk Cameron.

Klausner was definitely the worst part. Sorry AV Club, I just do not get her at all.

O'Neal, you magnificent bastard, this was wonderful. As far as the trailer goes, I skipped to the part with Alyson Hannigan masturbating, because why wouldn't you?

The live episode of WTF at least let me know that Julie Klausner would be a horrible guest one on one. She would just rant the whole time about how much guys suck unless they conform to how she'd like them to be.

Steven Hyden didn't give the record a B+, moron. Someone else did. Now please kindly fuck off.