The Royal Dutch of Dukes1

Agreed. I was as excited/intrigued as anyone when I first discovered Odd Future (actually, this very site introduced me to them), but it quickly became apparent that the music sucked, and that Tyler and the rest of them were just a bunch of immature assholes who got lucky that the morons on Pitchfork liked their shit.

Wasner does guest vocals on "The Great Fire", not "Where I Found You".

You just have to drink non-shitty beer.

I'm wondering to what extent Maron was kidding around when he said "Fuck you and your antisemitism", because it sure as hell sounded sincere, but it also seemed to be a part of some back-and-forth.

The Flop House >>>>>>> How Did This Get Made? and just about every other bad movie podcast out there.

Seriously, the Wally call was pure gold. "YOU'RE NOT! TALKING! LIKE! THE! PUPPET!" made me laugh really, really hard.


Miss this man already.

Bill Maher in "Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death". Yes, that's a real movie.

Well, now I want to hear more about him peeing on P.T. Anderson's lawn. Kind of a shame that they're on bad terms, though. Jane's a really good actor that's never quite found the fame he deserves.

STOP DICKING US AROUND, HURWITZ! You've caused too much pain already!

I wonder if there are any non-golden showers enthusiasts who find the phrasing "wet the bed" sexy…

Michelle, no one's saying that song lyrics have to have "intricate philosophical musings on the human condition" (what? Who said that, ever?) to be good. Just that if they're aggressively, unbelievably, unforgivably stupid, then even the danceability is ruined.

The one with Scharpling was especially great because of the Ted Leo cameo/"2112" singalong.

After reviewing your other comments, I've determined that you're a dickhole. So yes, move along. And also, go fuck yourself.

So, wait, does the film end with Ricci just leaving him? Is it the first Happy Madison movie without a horribly saccharine ending?

Let's all stop arguing about Mastodon, and start agreeing on how completely fucking terrible this thing is.

He was using nice prose. It's what writers do.

OK, so if you like post-Leviathan Mastodon, you're a poser who doesn't actually listen to metal. I didn't know that that's how taste works. Thanks for telling me that I don't actually listen to other metal bands just because I like this album. Oh, and the new Dum Dum Girls album isn't very good.

This album slays. Curl of the Burl is going to be stuck in my head for days now.