The Royal Dutch of Dukes1

I'm loving the shit out of this album. It might even be better than "Dear Science".

I'm sicking of hearing about this "Funke"! OVERRATED!

If I want to go out feeling all serene and peaceful
then I'd go with "The Big Ship" by Brian Eno. If I wanna go out shouting "FUUUUUUUUUCK YOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" then "It Ain't Gonna Save Me" by Jay Reatard, "Lawyers, Guns and Money" by Warren Zevon, or "No Epiphany" by Fucked Up will do.

To be fair, Black Diamond, God of Thunder, and Detroit Rock City rule pretty hard. Other than that, I don't have much use for KISS, but I can't deny those songs kick all kinds of ass.

Hey, Cracked.com is funny. Don't drag them in to this.

Slightly embarrassing
but perhaps permissible since I'm only 20: I hadn't really discovered Guided By Voices or Pavement until this year. I know, I know…but now I'm a major fan of both bands. I even caught one of the shows on Pavement's reunion tour and, surprisingly, they were fucking awesome. I missed Guided By


It was kinda funny, but too soon.

*throws tomato*

I'll echo what many above have said re Pierce: I'll miss the shit out of that guy. Unfortunate that he did what he did, but life goes on.

Cynthia Cherries: asshole who has no concept of journalistic ethics.

From the synopsis and press releases they gave a while ago, I was expecting this to be one of those "HE'S ON A COLLISION COURSE WITH WACKINESS!" type deals. Turns out it's this weepy, "dark" dramedy bullshit. Ah, well.

Fuck you too, buddy.

When I saw Pavement at the Mann Center in Philly this year they kicked ass. So I'm sold on them as a live act.


More like go eat a dick.

The Kanye/Taylor Swift thing from last year. "Yo Taylor I'mma let you finish…" ring any bells?

YES. That is all.

Fun fact
Robert Christgau put "My Humps" on his list of Best Singles of 2006.

Didn't know that. I think I'm being really forgiving of the Fergie verse because I'm a huge sucker for big, triumphant sounding pop music, and if you put Rihanna on a hook I'm pretty much on board. Also that fucking horn line is incredible.