Bawdy Petroglyph

They should've picked the Hannibal with bees in his mouth who when he says sinister bons mots he shoots bees at you.

You were the best, Todd! I have no irreverence to add to this thread! I just genuinely enjoy your work and wish you success!

The Princess Shireen has been giving me lessons in Vulgar Valyrian. It's a damnable language, aye, but if it helps us win the Volantine Triarchs to our side, on va continuer à essayer d'apprendre à ce vieux singe à faire des grimaces.

Or the novelization of season 6 of GoT, whichever comes first.

It's faux, not feux (=fires), your Grace.

I'm actually glad we have a limited role in the outcome of this thing. I can get in a parking lot fistfight over True Detective any time, but now I'll be obliged to watch whatever episodes beat my faves.

That was a fun thread, thanks for that.

+100 posthumous honour points for her husband, totally redeeming his one transgression during their entire marriage? I think she'd care even more than Jon would.

Especially as it's unclear whether or not Ser Robert has a head.

I was going to make a joke about Locutus/Stoneheart slash fiction, but then I got kind of into it.

[Spoilers, because of course]

Mrs. Sixpack digs my Ken Marino impression, though.

I once dated a Helen, and she would often emphasize a point by saying that 29 other Helens agreed with her.

The hell you don't! Your avatar is awesome. You thought about that shit for days.

The very admission of a White Walker syntax would've been considered a major spoiler before that scene back in episode 4.

You had me at Jay-Z and then you really lost me.

Just! One! Sniff of that fog and you're inside out!

Tell your brother to come party with us.

The on-screen peen is uniformly shots of castrated men getting ghost boners and feeling bad about themselves.

I'll be halfway through Winds of Winter and still be clucking my tongue, thinking "Oh Sean, your commitment to these gags is admirable."