Bawdy Petroglyph

Are we shaming people for fearing CancerAIDS now? What do we wish upon Firstie cowards, a mild venereal disease? Oh wait…

"One day I will kill you." —Me talking to the dog from Duck Hunt, 1988-Present

One broken oath should do it.

The pyromancers maintain that only three things burn hotter than wildfire: the fires under the earth, the summer sun, and dragonflame CANCERAIDS.

Unusual names hypnotize me. It would take a long time for me to realize Brittany Internet was a boring normal person.

A brief literary walk-on followed by immediate grisly death. The redemption arc we deserve.

Nah, you swayed me, Mr. Soft Sell. You swayed me good.

Edit: *spoilers*
This inflation is what's murderous! Back in the 90's he killed Starks for a song.

A doctor and a comedian!

I can't help imagining a cat wearing a bow tie saying this while standing in front of a blackboard. How else can we make reading fun, you fancy cat?

College Yiddish is a pretty accessible tome, though. It even has sheet music for the socialist folk songs!

Ah, but will he not be the 999th?

It's too big a show to expect to block out the hundreds of conversations/comments you're likely to stumble across. Furthermore, if you're following idiotking on twitter or hanging out on AV Club a lot, you will read many things you'll wish you hadn't.

Well done.

[double spoilers]
Surely someone special gets to be the 1000th Lord Commander. I always figured it'd be Sam, though.

How many characters in Dany's entourage can they kill (when they live in the books) before it becomes a problem? Really says a lot about how important Weiss and Benioff think the Essos storyline is (in the details, anyway).

Both shows are great! Your Sundays could've been all the richer.

Crazy Ramsay doesn't faze me at all, but meek, deferential Ramsay who's scared of his dad freaks me right out. It's cool that they're letting him have a little range.

Luckily that Night's Watchman didn't have to live with the shame of guessing the other song for long.

Oh shit! Who has that box now? Never even thought about that before.