Bawdy Petroglyph

But it was an improvement in the way the show uses nudity, no? The fact that Grey Worm is a eunuch really changes the balance of power in that scene.

I've seen a lot of cute names for people's significant others on here, but "Belle" is the cutest by far. Bravo.

Please, I'm dying to know… why was he doing it?

Is there any other kind?

GoT spoilers are the one domain cultural or otherwise where I feel empowered to say that the victims deserved it.

I'll betcha it comes up again when Jaime releases Tyrion.

A lemoncake with Agency on top. Woo!

[Continued spoilers] Quentyn sure cut to the head of the line for the BBQ.

So like a Dornishman to get ahead of himself.


No one must know you dropped your glasses in the toilet. Not you, the man who drafted the Paris Peace Accords.

The English-speaking world can't handle the stillborn hope and surpassing misanthropy of Lee Chang-dong.

My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you'd like to hear it I can sing it for you.

It would make sense that the ghosts of Mushroom Kingdom serfs would ally with Bowser, the strongman dedicated to unseating the charismatic ruler who's held power for nearly 30 years.

Here ya go:

You nailed it. You board-with-a-nail-in-itted it.

Heads up: don't go buying a bunch of pro controllers thinking you're doing your future self a favour for Smash Bros. parties. They just announced a Gamecube controller adapter.

Mario Kart 7. It looked breathtakingly good in 3D and the level design was tops.

What was the justification for making him a king, anyway? Prole Boo would've been fine.

I often refer to my Wii U— fondly— as the Nintendo Dreamcast. It's even got the VMU/Gamepad parallel going for it.