Bawdy Petroglyph

I forget which book it's in, but Richard Dawkins makes a strong case for a post-apocalyptic world of rat people. But who will emerge victorious from the rat/octopus wars?

She claims to have $500 and to be saving for a boat, so maybe she's on to something.

I think we should collectively seize the opportunity born of the confusion over hyper-correct pluralization and bring it on back to the Greek.

Yes, my comment was clearly flagged as a cool story about being a brother.

No, but it has a young, antisocial zookeeper who would love to hear more of your ideas for new acquisitions.

Story time: My sister is seven years old, and recently told me that she is afraid of clowns and bees. In order to make her feel okay with mostly harmless irrational fears, I admitted that I am terrified of taxis and sea lions.

The headline made me hope for one beautiful moment that Mads Mikkelsen was was going to be hosting a (very questionable) event at the Toronto Zoo. But this is cool, too.

I know it wasn't featured in Klassic Krusty, but I regularly respond to old news with the panicked announcement that the Falkland Islands have just been invaded.

Online video streaming has been the great leveller in this regard, but I'll always remember the thrill of finding something sublime like Father Ted on the specialty channels way back when.

Good times ahoy for you, sir. And City/Rogers were bad about keeping up to date with episodes, anyway. I finally just started streaming right off the NBC website.

Remember the salad days of Teletoon back in '97-'99? When they played Ninja Scroll at like, 9pm? And the decade of neutered animation scheduling we endured afterwards?

Canadian regular Monday hangout thread:

"We don't patrol the Danish Quarter. Too many long-form noir mysteries."

I once organized a career day for my student council (linguistics), and the lexicographer we brought in told all the kids, point blank, no way was there such a job as a lexicographer.

That definitely seems to be the show's current trajectory, but picture if you will a leaner GoT that plays to its format's strengths. Small-to-medium changes aside, GoT sticks to the books and refuses to let its most charismatic stars shine. Peter Dinklage has been pretty much wasted this season (dazzling high points

I have mixed feelings about the way this turned out. Fuller says that if they couldn't've had Gillian Anderson come back, Abigail would have lived longer. It would have been really cool to see her grow out of her dependence on people like Hannibal and Daddy Hobbs, but I'm obviously thrilled to see more of Bedelia.

That was an exceptionally elegant answer. Get on in this hug, it's gotten pretty weird but I need it so go with it.

Big thanks to Molly Eichel for her work here this season!

You know what? I'm getting chills from even typing this, but I'm 100% sure we haven't followed Hannibal into the Black Lodge yet.

I'd read that essay.