Bawdy Petroglyph

Dr. Chilton should be taking notes. "Barney, restrain our illustrious guest while I make one of this ottoman's legs slightly shorter than the rest…"

That tree-man was pretty whimsical, and yet he used it as a fulcrum for misdirection. How spectacularly theatrical must Hannibal be for the law to catch up with him?

I had Chinese take-out, twice. It arrived way, way too early, so I ate, went to the gym, then felt justified in microwaving leftovers in time to watch Hannibal, but was again too early and had to watch Big Bang Theory reruns. Spring rolls, soft tofu, vegetable almond stir-fry.

So we all called it, Hannibal is more visibly appalled by wanton misuse of his furniture than literally anything else he ever sees or does. Death of Abigail <<< Mason stabbing his chair.

Considering the second-best man-meat sniffer is Will, and he's wont to indulge a bit.

I found Michael Pitt quite cheeky in this episode. Less so towards the end.

There'll be plenty of Pac-Man beatdowns in the new Smash Bros. I mean, presumably.

Marry her again. That's beautiful.

I've given Lint as a Christmas present probably five times now, and the reactions I've gotten have ranged from bewilderment to dead silence. Someday.

I was once enthralled by a girl who was talking to someone else about Parks and Recreation. We were both slowly leaving a party, and I was stalling for time, waiting for a chance to jump in and say "what's crackin', boo?". I stuck my hands in my pockets and felt something crumble but said nothing, just looking

I always try to get a potential love interest into Brad Neely and I've never had great results. I think a lot of good, solid, clever people just tune out when they hear his voice. It would be a strongly favourable dealmaker if it ever happened, though.

"Darn fine plate" is the finest Cookie Monster joke I've ever heard.

I saw him speak on Canada Day last year and he cut some pretty good space-fart jokes.

Some mysteries are better left unsolved.

I even hated it when they went to that brothel in Canada. It kind of broke the spell every time they left town.

I was young enough that I encountered the Simpsons' Twin Peaks references before I saw the show itself, and through both seasons I was waiting for the giant to dance with a white horse under a stoplight.

This, truly, is a more terrifying prospect than extended footage of the Black Lodge.

Then maybe we'd finally get to meet Howland Reed, am I right?

There is no command for porn in DOSraki.

If you lived in Scandinavia, you'd have a 50% chance of having some lady be the boss of you.