Bawdy Petroglyph

Maybe they're spelling out a coded message week by week. Quick, everyone, get your Little Orphan Annie Decoder rings!

And immediately afterwards. Prince Oberyn's will was very specific…

Marvel vs. Community plays best on the Dreamcast controller, anyway.

The core game puts Lannister in a really tight spot; the Lannisport-Riverrun corridor is the most valuable real estate on the board.

Made me laugh, made me wish it had happened.

More than Janos Slynt?! I guess we still have a lot more tertiary character malevolence to look forward to from him.

It's funny how this scene now precedes Tycho Nestoris (the banker)'s debut in the books, where the Iron Bank is so let down by Cersei and so impressed with Stannis post-Night's Watch victory that they go pay him a visit.

I can't even imagine how infuriating it will be to non-book readers when he dies. Everything fun about the show encapsulated in one character, and like a true series mascot, doomed to die way sooner than expected.

You know what's really missing, Mike Judge-wise, though? The man himself. I wish this show had a tiny green space alien that only Erlich could see, so that Judge could voice him.

Hannibal: Your education was an odd one.
Mason: [laughs maniacally]
Hannibal, grinning more than we've ever seen: So anyway, I eat people.

"That couch is just for show. Like my scary elk statue. Y'wanna lie down on my elk statue, Mason? 'Cause I can fucking arrange that."

I for one am looking forward to seeing Mason attempt to roll Hannibal up in a blanket and throw him off a bridge.

Much like my capitulation in the ugly war against movie theatre cell phone users, I've accepted that in order to enjoy shows at my own slow pace and read entertainment news at my much faster pace, spoilers will be a fact of life.

Little King Trashmouth. Just rename him, it's not too late.

I recently tried replaying Majora's Mask and realized that you can't even save (or, because of the time mechanics, stop playing at all) for the first hour or so of gameplay. I mention this not as a criticism, but as a wistful reminder of what a demanding, unique experience it was.

Sex Cauldron?! I thought they closed that place down…!

You think I am joking, and yet: youtu.be/SKqjIv91Zx8. That's his first promo for the skull vodka, and he doesn't start talking about it until 1:13.

I'm going to assume you meant "strangle", since if anything, the X-Files theme should play louder if you're strangering yourself.

Careful, according to Dan Ackroyd, consumption of Crystal Head Vodka increases the likelihood of encounters with inter-dimensional beings.

Someone at my old school used to slip Lyndon LaRouche pamphlets under everyone's office door at night. And I laughed the hearty laugh of a man who finally got a throwaway joke from Treehouse of Horror '96.