Bawdy Petroglyph

No joke, the thing that finally broke my suspension of disbelief with this show was Jon being miraculously great at cunnilingus on his first try. If ever there was a time for a man to be told he knows nothing…

Jon Arryn will see us all in 25 years.

Night's Watchman: Uh, ma'am, we're in a bit of a frosty pickle here, your sons are literally monsters. This may be the end of human civilization.

I feel like it was a shared vision of his and Bran's. As to its metaphorical meaning, it really didn't bode well for the fate of the Reeds.

Both mysteries quite possibly tied to both the resurgence of White Walkers and the Doom of Valyria. I'm convinced there's no difference between "dragon magic" and "frost magic", so these wastelands should share similarities.

"I heard you like ships" had me howling.

I would love to see Lara Jean Chorostecki as a Sand Snake.

Nothing dry about that. If there's anything HBO will emphatically not cut from Book 4, it's all the sex Cersei has. I feel like the Kettleblacks have been cut, though, so the question is… whom with?

I feel like they got way too good of an actor to play Balon, whose role in the story has long since expired. They should get Patrick Malahide to also play Crow's Eye and hope no one notices.

I liked that they started splicing Jojen and Bran's green dreams with waking conversations. More time efficient, and a lot more visually arresting.

[BIG SPOILERS] To be fair, they are the least dead of the dead Starks.

Oh, definitely. But since when has she ever been able to play Tywin? How else can you impress him? I imagine it's kind of like how proud Hannibal is when Will tries to kill him.

I was flummoxed by how nice she was being to Sansa, disarmed even. I started to think, "hey, that's not so bad, Sansa needed a friend, I approve of this wild deviation from the books." Then the hand twisting began.

How many shoulder rips will it take for him to see that?

A Song of Ice and Fire: "…until they're all either dead or Stannis."

You know who I'd love to see reunited the most, in whatever crazy scenario it would happen in? Jon and Catelyn.

Did anyone else get the vibe that they were setting Podrick up as an age-appropriate potential love interest for Sansa? That said, it's a long road to the Vale.

The dark, remote history (600ish years ago?) of whatever wiped out Hardhome is my favourite lingering mystery in the books.

Also, if the White Walkers win, they can give their sons a stern talking to.

Here's to the agency of Wildling women! Refusing to follow Jon and burning down the only shelter for miles, what a boss move.