Teller of the Fucking Truth

That's what she claims in retrospect. It would be believable except that she put "LIKE" in capital letters and it doesn't really read right if that's what she was trying to say. I think she was being earnest. She was saying she likes Hillary Clinton because she's a hard nosed realist who's not afraid to go to war

This is probably the only good appointment Trump has made.

That screenshot is actually from an extremely popular parody video that was put out by Super Deluxe I think? and made by gay YouTube guy.

I don't really understand why the left gets so hysterical about people saying "alt right". It's not neo-Nazis trying to hide the fact that they are neo-Nazis in the slightest:

Donald Trump once told a group of Jewish business leaders that they were good at business, clearly this is definitely proof that FEMA is building gas chambers as we speak.

I want to see this film if only because, at least going from the trailer, Chastain appears to be basing her performance on this infamous interview Heather Podesta did where she was high as shit on benzos:

Bernie and Warner and the head of the AFL-CIO all also issued statements basically saying the same thing as Schumer.

With regards to your first point, I thought it was trying to be subversive or double subversive because you expect her to kill the guy herself but in the end A MAN ends up saving her. It makes sense from a character point of view too though. The son is supposed to be really stupid and oblivious (he doesn't realize the

At one point, they mention the character's father is 76. If the character is the same age as Huppert herself, that would mean the father had her at 13. I think it's more likely she's playing a character several years younger than herself. She pulls it off. She looks insanely gorgeous in this.

I don't know why people keep saying this doesn't seem like Verhoeven. I'm fairly confident I could have guessed who the directed was if I hadn't know, based purely on the extremely un-naturalistic dialogue and the intentionally cheesy cut scenes.

The Republican Party fielded a presidential candidate the first presidential election they existed and that candidate came in second. The Republican Party's success had nothing to do with starting out small (because it didn't) and everything to do with the Whig Party having collapsed.

It's got nothing to do with having a parliamentary system, it's an issue of First Past the Post vs. Proportional Representation.

It would be considered racist if it wasn't actually made by Japanese people.

The audience I was with laughed a lot. Like the fifth through seventh times that everyone changed conference rooms during the first half hour.

Mostly agree. I'm not going to bash him over his Trayvon comments although I wouldn't fully endorse them either. I wouldn't go so far as to say the killing was justified. I would just say that there's a chance it might have been justified, and given that chance, the juries decision was correct.

The insurance fraud wasn't really dangerous. Not having insurance didn't make him more likely to crash his car, if anything, it probably made him more cautious. And even if he did crash, if someone got hurt, they would just sue the pizza place instead of suing the insurance company. No real difference.

What's wrong with a guy who works in the coal industry asking a question about the coal industry? Liberals are always complaining that rural Whites "vote against their own interests" and then some guy asks "hey, how are your policies going to impact my job?" and suddenly they're all like "whoa buddy, why is it all

Disappointed there isn't more discussion of Evangelion in the comments. As you said, a lot of scenes are extremely similar. Godzilla is basically an Angel. He goes dormant for a while just one of the angels in Evangelion did. Satomi Ishihara is basically Misato. The plan to kill Godzilla is a ridiculous long shot like

I don't think the film is nationalist, or at least, it advocates a sort of liberal civil nationalism rather than the dominant strain of right-wing Japanese nationalism that is currently in office. If this was a nationalist film in the mold of Prime Minister Abe and those currently pushing to repeal article 9, it

I definitely saw press during the movie's production that she didn't know English that well and had to take lessons for her role.